Extra Chapter 1: Coffee Date

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{No ones POV}

Ranboo has been thinking about this for a while, trying out coffee, since apparently he's an adult now. And supposedly, adults are suppose to drink coffee, like they're  suppose too. He sighed, as he was now in their table, glaring at the coffee maker in front of him. He ruffled his head out of anger, and Tubbo sooned walked in. Yawning and looking at Ranboo in concern. He then approached him, and tapped Ranboos shoulder, with concern plastered in his face.

"You alright Boo? It's early in the morning, and you don't look okay"

Ranboo didn't react nor say anything to Tubbos question and just stayed silent. Tubbo then huffed and sat in front of Ranboo, just staring at him, while Ranboo still staring at the coffee maker. After a long silence, Ranboo finally sighed and ruffled his hair in annoyance. Tubbo was now deeply concerned and worried, so he tried to ask again, but with a hint of an annoyed and demanding tone behind his question.

"Boo! I said are you alright?"

Ranboo finally snapped out of his thoughts, and looked up to Tubbo. Tubbo was fuming, face getting red, and lips pouting. For everyone, they would be scared if they saw Tubbo like this, since he looks like he's gonna murder them. But for Ranboo, all he thought was 'cute...' and didn't bother answering Tubbos question. Silence filled the room as Ranboo didn't seem to catch Tubbos question, and just stared lovingly at him. Tubbo didn't seem to understand his expression as he clicked his tongue and got up, startling Ranboo.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Ranboo said, as he stood up to grab Tubbos wrist, stopping him. Tubbo didn't even spare a single glance at Ranboo, as he just stayed silent, rolling his eyes in the process, when Ranboo asked him. Ranboo sighed as maybe this was his punishment for whatever he did earlier. So he decided to give up to whatever he did.

"Fine fine you win, Bee, and I'm sorry"
"Hmph! You were ignoring me"
"Sorry, I was just lost in thought"

Tubbo clicked his tongue again, and finally looked at Ranboo. Ranboo let go of his wrist, as Tubbo snaked his hands through Ranboos cheeks, cupping them. He played, and squished his cheeks for a second, Ranboo not mindong this sudden affection, before speaking up, sighing.

"What am I gonna do with you Boo?"
"Take care of me maybe?"
"Only if you're okay, are you okay?"
"Yes I am Bee"
"You sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure"
"Hmm, okay good!"

Tubbo said as he nuzzled their noses together, whilst closing their eyes. Tubbos hands still cupped in Ranboos cheeks, while Ranboos hands holding Tubbos waist. They stayed like that for a while, swaying, chuckling and humming to each other from time to time, before Tubbo decided to talk about something again. The thing that wasn't brought up earlier.

"So, what were you thinking about?"
Ranboo then hitched his breath then sighed.

"Oh come on, don't sigh you big baby, you can tell me"

Ranboo was hesitant of telling Tubbo the reason, since maybe he would think it's stupid and inconvenient. But that thought soon was thrown off, as he huffed and looked down at Tubbo, using his other hand to play with his hair. Tubbos hands snaked through his nape, and they were now in silence, Tubbo still waiting, before Ranboo spoke up.

"I was thinking about..."
"Go on"

Silence filled the room for 2 minutes or so, before-


Tubbo suddenly yelled, which made Ranboo flinch and use his other hand to cover one ear that was near Tubbos face. Tubbo gasped, then apologized to Ranboo multiple times for suddenly shouting like that with no warning. Ranboo took it lightly and forgave Tubbo, Tubbo was still apologizing nonetheless, but it was all good now. Tubbo cleared his throat, and went back to the topic.

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