Chapter 4: Early Morning Walks

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— Kiss Through the Mask —
Ranboo's POV

It's been 5 days ever since I came to the UK to stay with Tubbo for a while,l. And throughout those days, we just met up with a few other friends such as Tommy, George, Jack and Wilbur. And we hanged out and did some vlogs together, and boy it was hella tiring, but still enjoyable.

Me and Tubbo went home after one of Tommy's vlogs. We did a lot today so Tubbo was really beat. On our way home, he almost collapsed in the street. I asked if he was okay and he just gave a small "hmmm". I offered him to climb on my back, so I can carry him home. He gave me consent and got up in my back. I felt his hot breath in my neck, and I shivered whilst also blushing a bit. And we finally arrived home afterwards.

I opened the front door and and was greeted by Lani, she gave me a weird look and smirked.

"Oh so you guys are getting close now?"
"It's not what you think- He was just tired, I swear"
"Mhm, whatever you say my dude"

She walked off to the living room chuckling a bit, I sighed and proceeded to go upstairs to our shared bedroom. I layed him down to 'our' bed, he moved around a bit, and I noticed how cold he was, and the clothes he was wearing were pretty thin, so I had no choice but to- you know...

"Sorry in advance for doing this, I won't do anything I promise" I whispered, but loud enough for him to hear.

He gave me a quick nod, as he understood what I meant, he stretched his arms for me to take off his sweater, I tried my hardest to not look at his upper body and changed him one of my thick hoodies, which I would guess that he would be happy when he sees it in the morning. I sighed as I begin to change his jeans, I unziped it, and was forced to look at his toes after I took it off, and got some joggers that I found in his closet, and put it on him.

After that I plopped down to the bed and Tubbo turned around to face me, still asleep and hugged me. I blushed a bit and hugged back, and I slowly went back to sleep.

It's been like 5 hours 'til I hear some shuffling beside me, and feel the thing that I'm embracing move a bit. I woke up from that thought, and saw Tubbo slowly sitting up trying his best not to wake me up. And he saw me squinting at him.

"Oh hey Boo, sorry for waking you up"
"It's okay Bee"
"I feel like walking somewhere, you can go back to sleep"
"Oh no no, it's fine, I'll come with you"
"You sure Boo? you look tired, you need more sleep"
"No I'm fine, I'll come with you"
"Oh okay, if you say so Boo"

He stood up and I followed as well. He grabbed a coat and a scarf while I just grabbed a coat and a toque, since it was probably freezing outside. We both got out careful not to wake anyone up and walked around the neighborhood. It was quiet, to be expected, but it felt nice to have some company during the silence.

"Why did you wanna go out for a walk Bee?"
"I just wanted to get my mind off of something"
"Bee, you can always talk to me you know"
"Yeah I know, but it's not really something that I can share that easily"
"Oh, is it something serious?"
"You can say that"
"Oh okay, but you can tell me whenever you're ready"
"Will do Boo"

It fell into silence once more, but it wasn't an awkward one, it was comfortable. The only thing you can hear through the silence is our footsteps in concrete and sometimes our breaths even. I noticed white stuff falling off from the sky, and it was-

"Boo! It's snowing!"

That shocked me a little bit, and got a little "shut up" from one of his neighbors, but he was right, it was snowing, to be expected since it's November now, but it feels nice to see the snow once again. I was lost in thoughts and I didn't realize that Tubbo was carving up a snow ball right beside me.

"Hey Boo!"

I turned around to face him, but was greeted with a snow ball hitting my face. I pouted, but I didn't want to lose, I threw once back at him as well and it basically turned into a snow ball fight, we were also practically screaming, and got a lot of "be quiet" or "shut up" from our neighbors, since it was literally 4am, but we didn't care, we just enjoyed each other company through the snow.

"Let's go out for more walks next time Boo"
"Okay Bee"

He chuckled and went back to snow ball fighting and eventually got tired and went back home at 6am.

To be continued...

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