Chapter 26: Meeting Again

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{Tubbos POV}

I go outside of the house with Zak as we were planning to go to a restaurant and eat, since the bitch doesnt have any food to cook anything with. But then I see a figure looming over the path, and I looked up to see... Ranboo...

Am I hallucinating? Or am i actually seeing him? I looked over to Zak in which he just shrugged. Did they live close? I didn't question anymore as I sighed and looked at Ranboo straight in the eyes. I noticed how he didn't look too well. I noticed he gain eyebugs, and he looked pale, was he doing alright? Did our break up hurt him that badly? I sighed once more and kept my cool to speak to him.

"Oh hey Boo, how've you been?"
I see his face soften a bit and sighed.

"I've been alright, Bee, how're you?"

I see in the corner of my eye, Zak backing away to give us some privacy. I looked back up to Ranboo and smiled.

"That's good, At least you're doing great"
"We were gonna go eat in some restaurant that Zak recommended, wanna come?"

I see him hesitate for a while, and followed up with a sigh and looked back down at me.

"Yeah sure..."

I looked back at Zak who was for sure listening in the background, and signalled him to come with us. Which he saw and came to us, rubbing the back of his neck. We got into the car, and played some music, and stayed silent for the rest of the ride, understandable tho.

{Zaks POV}

Sigh... It was hella awkward in the car ride, but it could be shrugged off by us just focusing on the music. But now that were actually in the table waiting for our food, it's just dead silent. And we have no topic to even talk about, they're still pretty awkward with each other. They're still clearly in love with each other but this is just to damn awkward. Toby was just on his phone scrolling through Twitter beside me, while humming from time to time. And Ranboo was just looking down and fiddling with his fingers. God these two are a pain, save me from this baddddddddd.

{insert bad sneezing from afar}

"Soooooooo how's your guy's streams?"
"Oh it's doing alright I suppose"


Goddamit it fell silent again, and I think I made it a lot awkward than it already was what the fuck. Please waiter, come faster, I don't wanna suffer like this anymore. We stayed silent once again for a couple of minutes and finally the bitch of a waiter finally arrived. As he placed our food in the table, I glared at him in the side, which I think he noticed cause I saw him gulped. He then said in a stuttered voice;

"E-enjoy, your meal sirs"

And then walked off. Damn, guess I scared him. But anyways, after we ate we decided to go to a nearby park and just chill there. We stopped at a bench and just sat there, in silence of course, since it's apparently being silent is a trend now. We still sat in silence, while Toby was just looking out at the sunset, with admiration and Ranboo just looking down, fiddling his fingers once more. I sighed as I couldn't take it anymore and got up.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, be right back"
"Oh sure"

Hope that giving them some privacy will cure this suffocating atmosphere that they built, sigh those idiots.

{Tubbos POV}

Oh me and Ranboo are alone now, sigh, it's really been an awkward atmosphere between us. I mean it's understandable, were now ex's I suppose. And we can't really go back to what we were before anyways since memories will still carry up upon us. I continue to stare back into the sunset that was in front of us, and I see in the corner of my eye, Ranboo, fiddling his fingers. Silence loomed over us as it did, but Ranboo decided to break it by speaking up.

"So... how've you been doing lately...?"
"I've been doing well I suppose, I mean a little sad after our breakup..."

Silence once again loomed over us again, we were probably very uncomfortable with the topic. I was okay with it, since I'm planning to get back with him, but he doesn't know that so I'm guessing he doesn't like bringing it up. I sighed once more,

"I'm sorry for breaking up with you, but-"
"Stop! I don't need your excuses!"

I got startled and bit scared at his sudden out burst. He was still looking at the ground, not daring to make eye contact with me. There were only a few people in that park, so no one really payed attention to us. I went back to looking at Ranboo, shivering and shaking. I tried reaching out for his hand, but he slapped it away. Finally looking at me, I noticed he had tears running through his face, that made my heart ache. I didn't want to see him like this, I'll try to fix it I promise...

"What do you mean excuses?"
"You're excuse of breaking up with me!"
"What do you think is my excuse then!?"

I raised my voice, as me and him stood up. I still try holding for his hand, but he still refuses me nonetheless.

"I'm the reason why you broke up with me! Right!?"
"What the fuck are you talking about!? I did it cause my father said so!"

We both paused. Catching our breaths after we both yelledat each other. Stares from people were clearly visible, and maybe concerns too. I sighed as Ranboo just continued to look at the ground.

"Listen, I don't know what gone through your mind to think that you're the reason why I'm breaking up with you. So stop that"

Tears were still streaming dowb his face, but not furiously anymore. I sighed once more, and held his hand, to comfort him somehow.

"Let's talk about this calmly, alright?"

He nods and we both sat back down. He was still crying so I squeezed his hand a bit, and the other one was making reassuring circles into his back. I hummed every now and then to try and sooth him. I knew Ranboo would have panic attacks, but I never knew that it would be this bad, and it was all because of me. God I hate my past self for being a little too blunt, I should've told him the reason, Goddamit.

I see him calm down and was ready to finally talk. He looked at me and smiled weakly. I then proceeded to talk about what was going on at home, and how my situation is currently. And that I never wanted to break up with him, and it was all my father's fault. He would let out a sigh of relief every once and a while and would occasionally cry whenever he misunderstood something, and me correcting him. I hope we can go back to the way we were before, and I'll try my very best to be able to succeed that.

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