Chapter 39: Beach Vacation

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{Tubbos POV}

I already decided for myself that I'll be dropping out of the university. It's been fun and all, but I feel like it isn't really for me. I mean yeah sure, 70 percent of the reason is like because of the drama that happened there, and the reputation that I built up there too. But honestly, I just wanna go back streaming man, I miss doing it with ny friends so damn much. University was always keeping me from doing it, so that's why.

I went downstairs to told my mother about my decision. I guess she was having a bad day, since she only replied with a nod, no questions being throwed. I didn't wanna question on what was going on with her, since maybe it'll make her mood worse. So I chose to brush it off, and headed back to the bedroom, where Ranboo and Tommy was still sleeping.

It was like 6am when I headed downstairs, so they were still both asleep. I went inside the bedroom quietly and still see Tommy drooling, and Ranboo curling up in his blanket. I sighed, and went to the bathroom to do my necessities. As soon as I got out, Ranboo was now scrolling through his phone, still squinting his eyes meaning he just woke up, til he noticed I walked out, wearing one of his hoodies as usual. He smiled gently, and patted the seat next to him. I smiled back, and carefully made my way to the bed, trying not to disturb Tommy.

As I was now in the bed beside Ranboo again, he immediately engulfed me into a tight embrace. I blushed as he smelled my hair, I let out a small chuckle, and kissed his arm that was in my neck. Soon after the cuddling, Tommy woke up, wiping his drool on his face. He then turned to us, the drool trail still visible, as he sleepily smiled at us.

"Good mornin' mans"
"Morning Tommy"

We all greeted each other, and fell into a comfortable silence, probably still adjusting to the morning. It's been two days since we haven't attended classes, and also when me and Ranboo was scolded for being 'loud' that night, which we all have probably forgotten by now. I cleared my throat, and started our first actual morning conversation.

"So... I was thinking about dropping out of the uni"
"Huh? What do you mean Bee?"
"Yeah Tubs, youre kidding right?"
"Nah, I kinda wanna go back to streaming again"
"Oh alright Tubs, it's your decision"
"I guess I have to drop out too"
"Oh, sorry Boo, you can stay in the uni if you want"
"Ah no I'll drop out too"
"But youre parents-"
"It's alright, I told them I went to uni for you. And now that youre not gonna attend anymore, there's no use"
"Aww that's so sweet Boo"
"Eww couple stuff"

We both glared at him, as he continued to cringe, still rubbing his eyes. I rolled my eyes at him and decided to pick a fight since he was getting in my nerves recently. I grabbed the pillow that Ranboo was hugging, he flinched as I grabbed it and threw it hard at him, straight in the face. There was silence for a few seconds til-

"Oops, my hand slipped"
"You wanna finish that sentence?"

Let's just say that I gave him private lessons on how it feels to be tortured. Nothing particularly scary, but educational, for some may say.

{Ranboos POV}

After all the usual morning chaos, yes it's normal for me now. I greeted Lani who was preparing breakfast for us, together with her mom. But her mom didn't look too good, so I just gave her a quick greeting before never noticing her existence. Lani whispered to me as her mother was going to the bathroom that she had a slight misconception with her boss, and had to stay up all night to do some paperwork, so it was adviced not to mess with her today. I agreed and went back to the chaotic duo who were in the dining table, discussing some things. I sat next to them, and finally heard what they were saying.

"Were gonna vlog tomorrow, like on the beach"
"Who else is gonna be there besides us?"
"Gogy and his boyfriend duh, and the others man"
"Oh alright, tho I'm not filming shit"
"But why not Tubs"
"It's tiring"
"Oh shush Boo, as if you're gonna vlog too"
"Oh welp, fair point"
"You both are lazy ass shitheads"

We continued to talk about the plans for tomorrow's vlog event in the beach. I didn't really know who's gonna be there, but I already know that the usual people we hang out with are gonna be there. Like Alex, Wilbur, George, Dream, Karl, Sapnap and Jack. Sadly Zak and Darryl couldn't be here since they're not in London and all. But we could still try to have fun right?

The trip there was still tomorrow, so we still had time to prepare. But Tubbo being Tubbo, wanted to cuddle instead of packing up. I sighed as he was now reaching out his hands to me, signalling me to pick him up. I picked him, wrapping my hands in his hips, and him tangling his legs on my waist, and his hands in my neck, securing himself.

I smiled as he burried his face in my shoulder, and headed upstairs. Tommy was cringing at both of us, and I just simply nodded. I shut the door of our shared bedroom and placed Tubbo gently in the bed. Whining when I let go of him for a while, a sighed and layed down next to him, then hugged him. We stayed in comfortable silence for a while, just sniffing his hair in the process, and occasionally laughing a bit at that.
We soon fell asleep as we were cuddling.


I didn't know that we slept through the entire day. Sinc the first thing I see when I wake up isn't my Boo, it was Tommy and Tubbos sister just staring at us with their arms crossed. I finched when I my eyes adjusted to them, and they just snickered when I did. I didn't know what to say to them so I just blankly stared at them. Not gonna lie, just staring with no talking got a little bit scary and worrisome.

Soon after Tubbo began moving, meaning he was waking up. He began stretching, eyes still closed and turned to look at me. He was about to say something til he noticed me staring at something else that wasn't him. I blinked and turned to his back to see what I was looking at. And as expected, he got startled, and actually spoke up, unlike me.

"Good morning Tubs"
"Hello brother"
"Dear brother, you've slept with your boyfriend the entire day, without doing any chores"

Lani spoke up and smiled genuinely. She was placing her hands in her waist. We both collectively sighed and proceeded to head downstairs to do our missing chores, while the trio still eyeing us, making sure were cleaning well enough. Basically, speanding the afternoon and night cleaning, and I didn't have a bit of fun for that.


Ah yes, the next day. Me and Tubbo both passed out in the couch after we cleaned the entire house, and ending it at like 11pm. It was a rough journey to clean the house, since it was surprisingly big, but we made it through. As groaned as I got up, my feet numb, from the lack of sitting down yesterday. I got up from the couch, careful to not wake Bee up.

I glanced at the clock and it was 6am in the morning, how convenient. I sighed as I started to make breakfast for the others who were in their respective rooms, with a hint of wonder of where the hell Tommy slept. Well he's gonna get a beating from Tubbo anyways, not me. I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for all of us in the house.

I was in the middle of flipping the pan til a tap in the shoulder startled me, almost dropping the pancake on the pan in the process. I let out a sigh or relief, as Tubbo was actually the one who nudged me. He tilted his head in confusion, and I gave him a peck in the forehead before ruffling his hair.

"Good morning bedhead"
"Says you"

I gave him an offended look and he just simply shrugged, while greeting good morning soon enough. He sat in the dining table, and let out yawn.

"Don't fall asleep there"

He smiled at him as he was placing his head on the table top. The pancakes were now cooked and I served it to him. He liked it and enjoyed his breakfast. I huffed as I remembered that we were going to the beach today. I can wait for later.

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