Chapter 31: Opening Ceremony

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{Ranboos POV}

It was now the next day, and we woke up rather early, maybe because we don't want to be late again. We got dressed and ate breakfast properly and got into the car. Tubbo, for some reason was wearing a pink sweater. I mean I'm not complaining, but like, I'm kinda protective of Tubbos cuteness, so I gotta up my game. As we were driving, I placed my hand into his thigh that was covered by the rough cloth of his jeans. I rubbed my hand and Tubbo was tightening his grip on the seatbelt, trying to not make noises. His head was down, but I could see in the corner of my eye, him blushing, well it's obvious from his ears. I snickered and he shot a glare at me as I was smirking playfully, eyes still in the road.

"You think this is funny, don't you?"
"Yeah? well, depends what you think"

I looked back at him as he was staring at the window. I didn't know what he was feeling, maybe I went too far? And so I took my hand off his thigh as I maybe thought he was uncomfortable. As I was in the middle of removing it, he suddenly grabbed my arm and spoke up, still not looking at me.

"I didn't tell you to take it off..."

I just stared at him in awe, glancing at the road from time to time. A deep shade of red formed into my cheeks, and I huffed while smiling. I placed my hand back into his thigh and he rubbed circles into my hand. We finally arrived to school, holding hands, since we didn't really have any intention of hiding our relationship. Got a lot of stares, but if Tubbo was here, then they don't really matter that much to me. We got to the stadium and sat at seats, a lot of people were there already, and the teachers and professors were now in the first row of all students. After a while, a lot of people arrived, and boy was it packed. The ceremony finally started and a video of the principal giving an announcement was playing, and the teachers welcoming all of us.

It was now nearing evening, and we thought that we were gonna go home, but our teachers told us to go to the other stadium for us to play some games with the seniors guiding us. That was quite scary for me, but hey maybe Tubbo was excited for this. And you bet was he excited for this, I sighed as he was dragging me to the stadium as we were following the other students. It was packed in there, but still had enough for room to move around freely. As all of us first years were there, still standing, waiting for the seniors to arrange us, everyone was just staring at me. I felt nervous and self-conscious about them staring at me, but I chose to brush it off. Finally, as the seniors told us to get in a circle, and me and Tubbo were separated. I was somewhere in the corner, as for Tubbo was somewhere in the middle.

"Hello First Years!"

One of the seniors suddenly shouted, and the crowd of students also shouted back.

"Were gonna introduce ourselves and the go on to the games! Is that alright?"
"Alright, my name is Deavon and I'm one of your seniors! Nice to meet you all!"

Everyone cheered and greeted back as well. As the other seniors introduce themselves, one senior in particular caught my attention, but not really in a good way. He was about as tall as Tubbo, but a little taller, and had a brown hair and had fair skin.

"Hello there! The name's Azy! Nice to meet you all!"

A lot of girls fangirled and squealed at him. Well, he was quite cute and a bit feminine, but he had a weird vibe to him, and it's not really god. He then looked at my direction and winked at me with a smile. I wasn't trying to be rude, but I just looked away, trying to pretend that I didn't see him. After that, the seniors then try calling out the students and trying to get them up in the front and introduce themselves. They then called me, I was shocked and nervous, why did they called me? and for that, it was Azy the one who called me... I sighed and stood up to go to the front. Everyone was just staring at me with "ohh's" and "ahh's", and a lot of murmurs too. Tubbo was in front of me with some distance between us, and he just gave me a cheerful smile and thumbs up, which I greatly appreciated. Azy then came up to my side and asked,

"So what's your name big guy?"

He said in a happy squeeky voice, and I just laughed nervously, praying inside that I won't stutter.

"My name is Ranboo..."

Everyone then cheered and clapped at me. I gripped my shirt in the sides, as I was just staring at the ground, and at Tubbo from time to time.

"Wow, what unique name! And you're really tall!"

Everyone then agreed and cheered. A lot of people were also shipping me and Azy for some reason, maybe cause of how close he is to me. There were a lot of 'hug each other' and 'kiss', which I was very uncomfortable of, and Tubbo would be pissed off by this. And boy was I right, he was just fiddling his fingers angrily while looking. I looked down at him as Azy was giggling at the left of me, trying to play along. I didn't want any part of this, but for the sake of the crowd I guess, I'll play along. I then placed an arm around him and he soon leaned in to it by nuzzling in my chest. Everyone was fangirling and yelling, some congratulating us, all except Tubbo, who just looked at us with a sad expression. I'm sorry Bee... I'll make it up to you later.

All the drama and introduction finally ended, as we were now doing the games. One was a flexibility game, and we were all split into teams, and once again me and Tubbo were separated again. And for the rest of the game, Tubbo was the mvp out of all of us. Even the athletic kids didn't stand a chance against him. After all that, everyone finally cooled off by drinking some beer, and me and Tubbo decided to go home, since we had nothing to do there anymore. I asked permission to one of the seniors and they said we can go, but Azy stopped me and sai,

"Ohh? Leaving already?"
"Aww that's a shame, see you tomorrow then pretty face~"

I laughed nervously, as Tubbo was glaring at him from behind. We both walked out of the stadium and headed to our car. Let's just say that the ride home was dead silent, and silence was killing me. I would occasionally glance at Tubbo from time to time, but he was still looking out in the window. I sighed as the silence was too much and spoke up.

"Bee... I'm sorry"
"Hmm? sorry for what?"

Ahh... he said that in an angry tone, I'm definitely getting my ass beaten later.

"For playing along earlier..."
"Oh no it's fine, you were having a great time with him, I don't mind"
"No buts, you did what you had to do"

I couldn't speak, as maybe speaking would make the situation worse. So we stayed in silence once more, as the car ride wasn't filled with music as it always do. We arrived to the house, still staying in silence. Seriously... Were having a fight already? What a great start...

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