Chapter 2: UK Trip Plans

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— Kiss Through the Mask —
Ranboo's POV

Just recently, I found out that I liked Tubbo in that type of way. I was definitely taken aback by it, and did a lot of thinking, but I should've saw it coming.

We're currently in a voice call together, and talking about me flying to the UK to come live with him for a few months. He already got permission to let me stay there, and so did I.

"So Boo, what would you do when you see me in the airport?"
"Uhh... I'll probably hug you or something"
"Oh yeah, let's do that!"

He giggles. A slight tint of pink forming on my face as I decided to tease him.

"But I gotta measure your height first"
"Hey! don't make fun of me!"

God... he must be pouting right now...

I laughed a bit by his response and proceeded to talk about something else. We've been in a call for a few hours now, talking about random stuff and things to do in the UK once we finally meet each other.

"So are you gonna sleep with me?"

I blink. What the hell? When did the conversation go in that direction...

"No, I meant like, are you gonna sleep in the bed as me?"
"O-oh... I mean, if you're okay with it..."
"Yeah I'm okay with it, it's just that I didn't want you to sleep in the cold floor"

I sigh, scolding myself mentally at my dirty mind.

"Okay, then yeah I'll sleep in your bed"
"Sorry that you have too though"
"Oh no no it's fine"

I really don't mind sleeping in the same bed as you...

"It's just that I have a cousin with me here, and she's staying here for a few months as well, so she's taking up our guest room"
"Ah... I see, I see"
"Yeah, so hope you don't mind"
"Yeah I don't mind"

We ended the call after a few minutes of that conversation.

Oh god... I'm gonna be in the same bed as him... No! Stop it! Don't make it weird! He's a friend... and he sees me as friend...

I sigh, this is gonna be real hard to hold back when I get there... Just don't be awkward around him, and just act natural.

I bought tickets to the UK the next day, and my flight was scheduled for the next 2 days. And so I called Tubbo for a heads up for this.

"Oh wow, you're gonna come here that fast?"
"Yeah, I mean, I have nothing to do here, might as well just go there immediately"
"I'm not complaining, but like damn, please give me time to prepare my heart jesus"

Prepare his heart? what was that suppose to mean?

"Ahaha, you've seen my face already, no need for preparation"
"Yeah, I know, but like I'm actually gonna meet you and see your face like in real life"
"It's fine, what could go wrong?"
"Hey don't say that"
"Hmm? why?"
"People say that and get jinxed afterwards, you're giving us bad luck Boo!"

I chuckle at this. Why is he so cute?

"You actually believe that?"
"Ahaha okay okay, I'm sorry, calm down now alright?"

I hear him sigh though my headphones.

"...I'm calm now"
"That's good... Anyways, I gotta prepare my stuff now, I'll call you later Bee"
"Yeah sure, I'll talk with Tommy after this, bye Boooo"

He hung up on me before I could reply back. I sigh and grab two luggages that were hanging around in storage room, I packed a few of my clothes and almost emptied my closet. I also brought a few stuffed toys/plushies to give to Tubbo. I packed my essentials and my packed masks. As I was still packing, my mother came in my room to greet me.

"Hey sweetie, you almost done?"
"Ah not yet mom, I still have a few"
"Don't pack too much, it makes it feel like you're gonna leave me forever"
"Ahaha don't say that mom, it's just for a few months"
"I know, but my baby is finally leaving his nest"
"Don't be sad mom, dad will be here to accompany you... and plus I'm just gonna stay there for a few months, I'll be back"

She rolls her eyes.

"I know, but were not complete without you"
"It's okay mom, I'll come back"
"You're right... your mother will stay strong for you"

I got up from the floor and went to hug here. I feel my shoulder getting a bit wet. My mother is crying... Well, I guess I've never really gone out to anyone's house before, let alone leave the country to go there.

I've been a lonely kid growing up, so my mom was my only play date. I didn't mind that, it's just that I wanted new friends too. We pulled away from the hug, and my mom spoke up.

"Stop packing first, and eat some lunch... you must be hungry"
"Not really, but I'll come down in a few minutes"

She nods and gives me a kiss in the cheek, before going back downstairs. I went back to pack my luggage and sees a text coming from Tubbo.

Just reminding you Boo
If you bring your hoodies, you'll never see them again :)

I look at my luggage, sighing as it was full of hoodies.

"Sorry my friends... but you're probably gonna get stolen by someone I like soon...", I sigh as I pat the hoodies, looking at them in sorrow.

I already said goodbye to them
Bee reacted '💛' to this message...

I went back to packing, and was eventually done after a few more minutes. I finally went downstairs to eat my lunch with my mother.

To be continued...

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