Chapter 8: Having Fun with Jealousy

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— Kiss Through the Mask —
Ranboo's POV

It was now the day of the hang out, no vlogs, just fun. But the dream I had last night was still roaming through my head, what did he mean by 'our love is real'? Was it actually true? or was it just my desire? I don't know anymore, this day will be spoiled if I think too much about it.

I went to the bathroom and took off my clothes to shower, but I stopped mid-way when I heard a voice behind the curtains, and it was Tubbo.

"erm... Boo?"

I froze, and turned over to shower curtains where the voice was coming from.

"O-oh you were here?"
"I'm sorry- I'll get out now"

I quickly got out, being a blushing mess, Tubbo was naked... I didn't see it, but just imagining it and being in the same room got me... I look down into my pants, and see my dick go up.

"You have got to be kidding me..."

I went outside to the other bathrooms, Tommy greeted me from downstairs, and I gave him a quick wave before rushing to the other bathroom to take care of it. After a few minutes of... that, I went downstairs to be greeted by Tubbos mother, saying that Tubbo and Tommy are in the backyard watering the plants, I nodded then proceeded to go to the backyard. As soon as I opened the door I get splashed by water in the face by Tubbo, oh it was on.

So we basically started a water splashing war in the backyard getting all drenched. We stopped as we noticed that we were all soaking wet, Tommy was still laughing while I glanced to Tubbo and saw his- ehem, chest with it being transparent and soaked. He noticed me staring and I started to blush as I turned the other way.

"Boys! Lunch!"

Tubbos mother yelled from the inside, so we all went inside and changed our clothes before going to the kitchen.

"What did you boys do to make yourselves soaking wet?" , she raised an eyebrow.

"We just had a war, mother, don't mind"

She sighed.

"I just asked for you two to water the plants"
"Ranboo started it Mrs. Smith"

I let out a dramatic gasp and retorted with,

"Did not! you did it first"

We bickered a bit more, while Tubbo and his mother were laughing at the back. It was finally time to go and meet our friends to the amusement park, so we all got changed and head downstairs. Tubbo was driving, which was slightly concerning, even Tommy was praying but we just went with it.

"Are you seriously driving Tubs?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I'm scared"
"Oh shut up Tommy"

He rolled his eyes, making me chuckle.

"I agree with him"
"You too Boo"

We moved on from the topic and just blasted some dream music in the car, Tommy roasting it in the process. After a while, we arrived to the amusement park, we got out of the car and approached the entrance, once we got in we see women surrounding George, and Jack just standing in the side looking depressed and bored. We waved up to them, and George excused himself from the small crowd that he built up, there was a collective "aww" from the group of girls and soon went away.

"Damn, gogy be stealing all the women"
"Oh shut up, I'm already taken"
"Yeah by Dream"
"What did you feel Jack?"

Tubbo asked

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