Chapter 30: University

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{Ranboos POV}

After a few days of our trip to a farm with me and Tubbo, we headed home. It was very peaceful there, definitely recommend it if you wanna go somewhere that will help you relax. It's been a few weeks now since our trip, and our days has been great. We were now cuddling upsptairs, just talking about random stuff while we wait for Tubbos mother to finish cooking dinner. Our conversation went on as normal, but Tubbo then changed the topic with something I didn't really expect.

"Hey Boo"
"I think I wanna go back to college"

We went silent. What did he mean by that? He wants to go to college? Does that have any meaning to anything? My thoughts were interrupted by Tubbo speaking up again.

"Yeah, I wanna go back to college"
"Can I ask... why?"
"Cause I wanna have that college experience you know? I dropped out of college so that I can stream, but I don't really stream anymore so..."
"Is this maybe my fault?"
"Oh no no, you didn't do anything wrong Boo, it's just that I wanna go to college, that's it"
"Yeah, if that's alright with you"
"Oh no, I'm definitely alright with it, I'll always support you and what you're doing Bee"
"Aww thanks Boo"

He hugged me and I soon hugged back with a huff. We stayed like that for a while in silence, just embracing each others warmth, 'til he decided to speak up again.

"You know, you can join me with college if you want you know? I'm not forcing you or anything"
"Oh, that's uhm-"
"You don't have to if you don't wanna"

I paused, thinking. I never really liked school that much, because of my... face and appearance I suppose. I dropped out of college for a reason, it was too much for me to handle in elementary and high-school. I don't wanna get too in to detail but let's just say that it wasn't that good. I don't wanna go back, but if Tubbo is there maybe it'll be... different? And if Tubbo wants me to then of course I'll do it. I look back at Tubbo was playing with my fingers that was wrapped around him and leaned my head into his shoulder. I sighed, and kissed his neck in which he flinched a bit.

"You okay Boo?"
"You seem to be deep in thought"
"I'm just thinking about your suggestion"
"Oh don't think too hard about it, you don't need to force yourself"
"No... I want too"
"Oh alright that's good then, we'll be going there together"
"Yeah, can't wait"

We both agreed to it and told his mother about it, also mine of course, and they were delighted about it. And we decided to go to college in UK, in Oxford University. I heard that university is quite expensive, but our parents were willing to do so. And so, we took the entrance exam and got in, well barely passed but our parents and friends were still congratulating us for making it through. Timeskip to basically the day of entering college, me and Tubbo were both first years, and our morning didn't start too well-

It was now 7:36am, and class starts at 8:00am, and me and Tubbo were still in our pajamas brushing our teeth furiously. I blame my alarm for this, as we were both making our way outside and into the car, with toast in our mouths, it was now 7:52am. Ah shit, we were so late. As were basically racing in the streets of London, almost crashing in the process, and we were still running late. We finally arrived and me and Tubbo ran our way through the empty hall until we found our classroom. We catched our breaths before opening the door, and everyone was still talking with one another, turns out the teacher wasn't here yet. From my side I hear Tubbo let out a sigh of relief before both of us picked a seat in one of the rows and sat down.

A lot of people were just talking with other people as me and Tubbo and I were just casually observing the people around us. But Tubbo, being the social butterfly that he is, decided to go and have a chat with people. He got up and gave a look saying 'Imma talk to people, brb', in which I just nodded in response. He walked up to a group of five people in the side and bean chatting to them, in which they fitted right in. I envy people like him, being able to socialize and just being accepted almost immediately.

I observe them for a while, until two girls who had blonde hair sat next to me, their hairs aren't relevant but I chose to take note of it anyway. The two of them were both seated in the right side of me, and they decided to speak up to me.

"Hey there~"

She smiled at me as she placed her hand in my thigh, which I removed carefully. And she glared at me for it.

"What do you think you're doing?"
"Uhh- removing your hand?"

She rolled her eyes at me and proceeded to cling in my right arm. You could tell that I was very uncomfortable, but I kept brushing her off. Whilst the other blonde was complementing me, and the other one nuzzling her head onto my shoulder, Tubbo came in, and glared at the two.

"What do you guys think you're doing with my man?"

The two girls looked up in fear as Tubbo was giving a menacing aura. Tubbo was smiling angrily at them and the girls just scooted over to the side, and earning a 'tch' from them. Tubbo angrily sat down next to me, and clinged to my left arm the entire time, trying to be protective. I tried to sooth him by rubbing his shoulder, and he soon leaned in to the touch. The professor finally came in, and just started the introduction, and the events that will happen tomorrow. Apparently, there's gonna be an opening ceremony which everyone should attend. I wasn't too excited for it, since I'm gonna be surrounded by people. But Tubbo was hyped for it, so I guess I'll be more happy about it.

The day finally ended and me and Tubbo decided to eat out in a restaurant, since the both of us were too tired from the introduction and other activities earlier to even cook. I drove us both to a cheap place, but the food is still good and parked our car. We went in, got to a table and ordered. Our food finally arrived and we started to eat, while talking about our opinions in college. His reviews weren't the best but at least it's understandable. I mean, both of us dropped out of college, so it's normal to feel distressed. We finished our food and got home. Took a quick shower and plopped down to bed, Tubbo fell asleep first, while I followed, wondering, so... This is the start of my new college life, how interesting.

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