Chapter 13: Our First Time

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— Kiss Through the Mask —
Ranboo's POV


Today's our 1st week of being together, nothing really happened that much during this past week, just some teasing, cuddles and kissing, just usual for us. We also came out to our other friends about us, and no one was suprised, they honeslty thought that we were already dating in the first place. Making me and Tubbo got embarrassed, were we really that obvious?

Anyways... I've been wondering if I could take it to the next level with Tubbo, you know, that stage of the relationship. I'm not forcing him or anything, It's just been roaming around my head. I mean, we've made out, and we got hard like most of the time. I better ask him first since I don't want him to do something that he doesn't want to do with me.

I sighed and got out of our shared bedroom and headed downstairs, it was already night time, and Tubbo had just finished streaming in his kitchen. I couldn't watch it since I was too busy with my thoughts, and why watch it when I can just go take a peek of it in the kitchen, perks of living with your crush/boyfriend am I right?

He saw me head down and gave me a warm smile, god what did I do to deserve such an adorable human being. My heart clenched by his cuteness, but I just put on a simple smile, don't wanna show him my obsessive side.

"Good evening Boo"
"Hey Bee"

He hugged me and I kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair, he giggled at the touch and looked up to me, looking all cute.

"Kissy please"

I blushed at what he said,

god I should be used to this now

I leaned down and kissed him passionately on the lips, after a few seconds. I inserted my tongue in and he allowed me to enter. He's still shy about french kisses, but thanks to Google, I mastered it so he doesn't need to worry.

He lets out soft moans and pulled away, we always pull away whenever he lets out his voice, I don't know why he's shy about that since I really want to hear his voice.

"What's wrong Bee?"
"I-it's nothing"

It was definitely not nothing, I sighed and brought up a risky question.

"Uhm Bee...?"
I said hesitantly,

"Yes Boo?"
"Is it okay... If we have... Sex...?

He froze and just stared at me, I stared back at him with regret in my eyes and looked down in the floor, I mentally slapped myself mentally for bringing up an uncomfortable topic, I looked back at him and I widened my eyes a bit, he was beat red and looking away too, he cleared his throat to break the silence and looked back at me.

"Are you sure you wanna lose your virginity... To me?"
I nodded and spoke up,

"I should be asking that, are you sure Bee?"
"Yeah... Ive been thinking about that too y'know"

I gulped and dragged him to our bedroom, and plopped him down carefully onto the bed. We were both a blushing mess, but I decided to ask again,

"You sure Bee?"

He nodded with genuine honesty in his eyes, I gulped and took of my shirt, and so did he. I took a moment to appreciate his slender body, and soon start to kiss him in the lips and down to his neck, leaving marks and went to kiss his tummy, it was cute just like him. I looked back at him and he was covering his face.

"Bee, don't cover your face, I wanna see it"
"S-sorry, it's just a bit embarrassing-"

I gave him a peck on the lips and gave him a reassuring smile and went back down, I took of his pants and boxers, he was completely naked now, I took a moment once again to appreciate his exposed body, which I found adorable to look at.

He gave me a look that was begging me to pound him I smirked and got turned on even more. I lift up his legs to reveal his hole, I wanted to tease it so bad, so I brought it closer to my mouth and I inserted my tongue inside, he flinched and let out a loud moan. I quickly pulled away, that must've hurt him,

"I'm sorry Bee, we can stop if you want"
"N-no! Keep going, I'll just adjust to it"

I hesitated, thinking of an idea to make him feel less pain, I couldn't find anything other than being really gentle, instead I came up with safe words.

"Hey Bee, let's have safe words"

He looked at me with a confused expression and I began to explain what they are.

"So, say 'bees' if I can keep going and say 'butterflies'
For me to slow down, and 'beetles' to stop completely"

He thought about it for a while and soon nodded,

"Okay then I'll prep you properly now, sorry for teasing your hole earlier"
"hmph, I guess I can forgive you"

He huffed and I began to prep him, I inserted one finger, and he flinched followed by a moan, before taking my finger out I asked,


I hesitated but soon continued, I placed another finger in, and he moaned, gripping into the sheets even tighter,


I understood and slowly spread my fingers, he moaned again but this time, a little more stable, it wasn't one of his 'I'm in deep pain moans', I believe that one was the 'I'm in pleasure' moan, I smiled as I knew he was no longer in pain, but pleasure, thank you dear internet, could've never done this without you.

"I'm adding one more Bee, bug?"
"Be... Bees"

He said in between breaths, I inserted another finger, and Tubbo moaned even louder now, but it was a pleasurable one, I slowly stretched my fingers to we wide enough for my, ehem.

As I knew that he was prepped, I pull down my pants to reveal my throbbing uhh dick {It's not a curse word, it doesn't count}

I see Tubbo almost drooling at the sight of my dick, I chuckled a bit and spoke up,

"What you looking at Bee?"
"Oh nothing, just the thing that's about to enter me"

I blushed at his sudden confidence and he just gave me a playful smirk, I sigh and began to position myself on top of him,

"Don't worry Bee, it's all yours"

I push ny dick into his hole and I see him gripping into the sheets while letting out moans in the process, I lift him up a bit, enough for him to wrap his arms around my neck. And after a few seconds, it was all in.
Before pounding, I asked Tubbo,


So I start to slowly thurst in him, it felt good and I hope he was feeling good too, I couldn't really tell since his moans were now a mixture or pain and pleasure, I started to speed up a bit, making him moan louder.

"You- hah, can bite into my shoulder-"

I grunted in between my words cause of how good it was, he followed what I said and began to bite my shoulder, his nails also dug into my back, but it didn't really hurt, but it'll probably leave marks later, which I don't mind, it's a mark of property, and so I started to do the same as well, I bit and kiss the part of his neck to shoulders. I would kiss him in the lips from time to time, but honestly we were just enjoying each other.

{3 more rounds later...}

We stopped after 3 rounds or so, and we were both hella exhausted, Tubbo was still ranting about how big my dick is and how he neved told him before, it was embarrassing but I guess I should be taking the compliment. He finally passed out after minutes of talking, guess I was too rough.

I took out a towel and began to clean him, I also cleaned up my cum that was inside him, totally forgot I had condoms, whoops, I'll make sure to use them later on. After cleaning him and also myself, I changed his clothes cause it's getting cold and layed down next to him and cuddled him. I'm happy, that me and Tubbo connected physically, it was a nice first time.

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