Chapter 29: Recreating the Dream

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{Ranboos POV}

It's been a few weeks since Tubbo's father got arrested. And lately, he's been very happy. I get to see him smile a lot that before, I get to see him not hold back a lot. And I see him getting used to us... Doing it. All in all, he's been doing great. The past few months were amazing, we even thought about buying a house and moving in together. And we also came out to our viewers that we were dating. There were a lot of mixed feelings coming from them. Some respectful and supportive, and some hated and despised, which we always chose to ignore. It is a gay relationship after all, it's not really a normal thing for some people.

A lot of our friends also came out in a relationship to their viewers. Such as Alex and Wlibur and Skeppy and Bad, tho they were already sending signals to their viewers that they were dating each other, but it was still nice to see. The DNF and Karlnap couple already came out to their viewers like a year ago, but they still congratulated us for coming out to the viwers. Cause they know how nerve-wracking it feels to come out to the viwers of being in a gay relationship. But, were still happy about this. And a little side note, Tommy confessed to Lani and she rejected him, but he still got a beating from Tubbo, but he's doing fine now I suppose, still in the process of moving on.

Me and Tubbo decided to go to a roadtrip to cool off, and just get away from everyone, not to be mean of course. We planned for a roodtrip weeks ago, and he was really excited to go. It was finally the day to go, me and Tubbo said our temporary goodbyes to his family, and were off. We just played some roadtrip songs, including dreams song, on the way. And would talk about random stuff as I drive through the road of London, with the help of the GPS of course.

Tubbo was just ranting about his favorite show, South Park. And just explaining his thoughts on the new episode that was released last night. And it was released like in the middle of the night, so you bet he didn't get enough sleep because the amount of replays he did in that episode. So I'm expecting him to pass out anytime soon. And I was right, after a while of ranting, his adrenaline finally cooled down and he drifted into sleep. I sighed and pulled up in the side road, to get a blanket for him. I got the blanket and covered him with it, and he got comfy. I smiled as I see a little drool drip out of mouth and wiped it off for him, and continued driving.

Our destination was somewhere out of the city, a farm to be honest. It said to have beautiful animals in it, and a cottage to stay in, so we decided to go there. After a long while of driving, we finally arrived, at 6pm. I parked the car in it's parking space and gently woke Tubbo up.

"Bee, wake up"

He just rustled around his seat, and gone quiet again. Sigh, he went back to sleep. I didn't want to make him angry at me for waking him up, so I got out the car and carried him towards the cottage. I opened the door and a person in the counter greeted me.

"Hello there, room for two?"
"Ah no, we'll just take one"
She smiled a gave us the key to our room.

"You're room will be in the 2nd floor, room 11"
"Oh alright, thank you"

She smiled again, and I walked up the stairs to our room. I gently opened the door, careful to not let it disturb Tubbo and plopped him gently onto the bed, in which he positioned himself in a more comfortable position. I sighed, and headed back downstairs to get our bags. I arrived in our room and carefully placed our bags in the floor, careful not making any noises. After all that, I took a shower since it was a bit hot. I changed my clothes afterwards, and got into the bed. Tubbo noticed my presence, and he faced me, eyes still closed, and wrapped his arms and legs around me. Basically trapping me, I sighed a placed an arm around him and gave him a kiss in the forehead. Which he reacted to it, by nuzzling his head onto my chest, and soon after we went to sleep.

I got woken up by the chicken being my alarm clock. I looked over to my side to see... A missing Tubbo? I jumped out of my bed almost immediately and went out to look for him. I checked for him in the bathroom, he wasn't there. I went downstairs, and asked the person in the counter.

"Excuse me, but have you seen a small boy with brown hair come down?"
"Oh yeah, he's in the back, looking at some animals"

I sighed in relief, and thanked her. I went outside and headed at the back. And I see him feeding the horses some apples, smiling. I sighed and hugged him from the back, which he flinched, but soon relaxed when he realized it was me. I see his ears turn red, so I whispered into it.

"You weren't in bed"
I see his ear blush even more, and I chuckled to that.

"Stop talking Boo, you're morning voice is-
"Hmm? It's what?"

He paused and smacked an apple to my face. It wasn't painful but that still made me yelp a bit.

"It's too early, shut up, and why are you wearing a mask?"
"I interacted with a person in the counter, didn't want them to see my entire face"
"Sigh, okay then"

I chuckled and I proceeded to ruffle his hair. He then led me into the field from afar, and dragged me there. It was a field of sunflowers, in such a happy day, the setting was familiar to me. He smiled at me and leaned in to give me a peck, or kiss through the mask, in the field of sunflowers.

"Got you Boo"
"Haha... You've got me Bee"

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