Chapter 15: Safe in my Arms

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{Ranboos POV}

I was worried about Tubbo when he suddenly texted me telling him to pick him up quickly. It would've been less worrying if he said to just pick him up, but he said to hurry up, so that gave me a bit of a fright. I was almost in the place where Tubbo was, and after a while, totally not rushing in the process, I finally arrived at the park. I parked the car and got out, I scanned the park for a bit, I finally found them... Chilling? I honestly thought that Tubbo pulled a prank on me, but I also soon realized the pile of men in the ground, some not moving. Oh god... Did they murder them???

I rushed to them with concern in my mind, and they spotted me afterwards. Tubbo smiled widely and hugged me.

"Boo! You're here!"
"Yeah Bee, I'm here, what happened...?"
"Ahh- well you see-"
"Some fuckers tried to hit on us so I beated the shit out of them"
Alex chimed in.

I gulped at his violent instinct to just strangers hitting on you, but I guess if they're okay, then I suppose it's fine. After a while of just chatting and roaming around the park, Dream- I mean, Clay finally arrived and both him and George engulfed into a hug. Alex, Karl and Tubbo made vomiting noises and George just flipped them off, while Clay just chuckled and said his greetings and also congratulating me and Tubbo, we thanked him before they waved us goodbye and going home. After that, Wilbur finally showed up.

"About time you son of a bitch"
Wilbur chuckled and said, 

"Sorry Babe, I was still streaming"
He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Well it's fine I guess, I beated the shit out of them myself"
He said pointing into the men laying on the ground, a few feet away from them.

"That's my boy"
Wilbur said while patting his head, and Alex leaning into the touch.

They said they're goodbyes, and Karl just said that he'll get a cab and just let us go home. We said our goodbyes to him as he gets a cab and head to car. Tubbk was driving, I was still slightly scared but I trusted him. After talking a bit we finally arrived to the house, and was greeted by Lani, watching Kdrama again... We didn't question her and just head back to our room.

We both changed our clothes in the room, and yeah were now comfortable in changing in front of each other, but that still doesn't stop the constant gay panics. He picked out one of my hoodies and weared it, I didn't mind him wearing my clothes, cause it looks cute on him, but if he decides to keep them, then that's a different story.

We cuddled up in the bed and just began chatting about our day, mostly Tubbo tho. He rambled on and on about random topics, that for some reason, I find myself interested in. Tubbo suggested to invite Tommy tonight for a sleep over, so I texted him.

{Big Boss Man Tommy}

You: Hey Tommy
Big Boss Man Tommy: Wassup Boss Man
                                     You need somethin?
You: Yeah
         Tubbo said you should come over
         And have a sleep over here
Big Boss Man Tommy: Oh yeah sure
                                     Just don't fuck when I'm there

I blushed at what he just texted, and sighed then texted him back.

You: We won't
         It was only one time
Big Boss Man Tommy: WAIT HOLT SHIT
                                     YALL FUCKED ALREADY??
                                      WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME

Ah crap, I didn't mean to spill that, especially to Tommy. Sigh, were definitely gonna get teased later on, sorry Bee.

You: Let's just not talk about it
                                     YOU GUYS SERIOUSLY FUCKED??
                                     THAT'S HILARIOUS HOLY SHIT
read by Ranboob
                                     OI FUCKER

I plopped down my phone and let out a sigh. And Tubbo glanced over me with a concerned expression.

"Boo, you okay?"
"Ah yeah, I just said something I shouldn't have"
"Oh, is Tommy gonna come?"
"Yeah he is"

We sat in silence for a bit before Tubbo spoke up again.

"What did you tell Tommy?"
"It's kinda embarrassing"
"You don't need to tell me if you don't wanna"
"I- I will, for the sake of us"
"Oh okay then"

I take in a deep breath before speaking,
"I maybe told Tommy that we did 'it'"

We sat in silence once again, and I finally turned to look at Tubbo, all red. Well I don't blame him, I was hella red too.

"O-oh I see, you still had a good dick tho"
"Oh come on now..."

We teased each other for a bit 'til be heard a knock in our door, must be Tommy, I wondered. But before we get to even get up and open it, Tommy bursts through the door, yelling,

"Keep your voice down you dickhead"
"Oh whoops"

He carefully closes the door and proceeds to lay out all the snacks he brought inside his bag. He argued more about 'that' topic and we finally calmed down and watched some Netflix in Tubbos TV. We were watching a horror movie, again, and just kept on screaming. But after a while of that, we played video games, If I meant we I meant them. I didn't feel like playing right now sincw I was pretty tired from all the streaming and no relaxing activities earlier, so I decided to take a small nap. Turns out that nap turned into me falling into deep sleep, but I did felt something crawling below my arm and hugged me, and of course it was Tubbo. I re-postioned myself and I was now facing Tubbo, and we both drifted back to sleep.

{Tubbos POV}

I woke up to a vibration of my phone next to me, I went to reach it from behind, careful not to wake Boo up. I checked the time and it was 3:42am, not that early, but I still wanted sleep. I check to see if someone messaged me, and someone did, my mother. She hasn't been home for a while so I wonder what's she's up too.


Mother: Honey, your dad's coming home tomorrow.

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