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“You should rest,” Mordo said as he was closing the portal behind Nora. 

She dropped her bag on the ground and smiled at him. “I think I’m getting somewhere.” She quickly took a pin out of her pocket. “Here,” she added, throwing it to her friend. “For your impeccable work with portalling me around the world.”

He sighed and walked away. Nora grabbed her bag and dragged it back to her room, where she immediately crashed onto the bed, letting out a painful moan. Her body was still sore from the flight.

She always hated planes. Not that she was scared or anything, but she didn’t like the lack of comfort. She clearly didn’t have enough money to fly first class, and she couldn’t ask Mordo to get her where she really wanted to go. She also got used to having magic people opening magic portals for her whenever she needed them. 

Going back to see former students proved itself to be more work than she imagined. Getting them to tell her everything they knew about the Ancient One even more. Most of them only had nice things to say about her. She helped them all when they needed it the most. 

Nothing that could explain why she wouldn’t help Nora.

She took a well deserved nap and decided she needed to know more about the Ancient One’s history. She walked to the library and took all the books she could find about her predecessors. There might be something helpful there. 

After an hour of reading and pages of notes taken, all that Nora could find was that each time there was a new one in charge around here, they were always stronger than the one before that. She found herself hoping that the Ancient One retired to let someone more powerful take her place, and then maybe that one would be able to help her. 

But that wasn’t about to happen, as the Ancient One didn’t seem to have aged a bit ever since she met her so many years ago. Which was weird, considering it never said anything about sorcerers having a longer lifespan than the average person. 

‘How is she not aging ?’ 

Nora leaned back on her chair and stared at the last line she wrote. More than a decade ago, she asked the librarian how long it had been since the Ancient One was in charge. He was unable to tell her. She was already there when he became a student. He got beheaded, and she was still here. There was no date saying when she took her position, who she followed, nothing. 

Knowing the name of the Sorcerer Supreme in charge when the ring was made would’ve also helped Nora, but there was nothing. This entire part of history was missing from every book she read. Another thing Nora added on her long list of things that didn’t make any sense. 

She gasped and held her hand on her chest when the sound of books dropping on her table echoed around the library. Strange sat in front of her as she was still trying to catch her breath. 

“What are you doing ?” she asked. 

“Reading,” he said, as if it was obvious. Which it was, since he was sitting there, an open book in front of him. 

“Here ?”

“It appears so.”

“Why ?”

He looked away from his book for a second. “I want my hands back, you’re obsessed with the ring on yours,” he stated. “Which makes us good company for each other. I won’t tell you to give up if you return the favor. It gets old real quick.”

“I don’t want your company.”

“But you need it,” Strange argued. “Let’s multitask. You find something relevant to my problem, you tell me. I’ll do the same.”

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now