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Nora begged. For days, she kept asking Wong to let her go back to work. It had been two months and thirteen days since Nora came back to her parents’ house, and she never wanted to see them again. At least her mother. She loved her to pieces, but she couldn’t deal with the constant worrying. Nora felt like she wasn’t able to do anything anymore, and she just wanted her life to go back to normal. She wanted to forget about everything. 

Wong finally gave in and agreed to let her work, under a crazy list of conditions. 

She couldn’t leave Kamar-Taj unless it was to go back to her parents’ house. She was allowed any of the Sanctums, but only if someone was with her. She’d have to respect her working hours and get enough sleep. She’d have to let everyone know about any change in her current health. All that until they were sure that she wouldn’t try to find the magic mafia anymore. And she’d have to go back to training. 

With everything they learned about the ring lately, Wong was more convinced than ever that Nora had to train. Because someone had to control the amount of power the ring was holding, and no one could do it except her. Since she couldn’t cast any spell without burning things, they’d do it in the mirror dimension. She wasn’t looking forward to it, but Nora was ready to accept everything Wong wanted just to leave that house. 

She was ready. Her bags were ready to go, she had everything she needed. Everything except a way back. Ever since the incident, she refused to open any portal. She hadn’t used any form of magic in months. Wong’s spells were allowing her to move freely inside any of the Sanctums, but she just couldn’t open a simple portal. Each time she was trying, her throat was tightening, her breath was getting too fast for her to keep up, her hands were shaking, and she could feel the sweat on her forehead. 

It had been an hour, and she was still sitting on the edge of her bed, trying to go back. She wanted to go, but she was unable to make it happen. Her parents probably thought she was gone already. And yet, she was still there, desperately trying to hold back the tears. 

A portal opened in front of her and Stephen looked at her from the hallway. Nora immediately threw all of her bags on the other side and followed them before it closed. He frowned. “Wong said you were late.”

“I wasn’t,” Nora sighed. “But I can’t do it. I tried, but then-”

“Just call next time.” He helped her carry her bags to the door to Kamar-Taj and left them on the back of the library. “Welcome back,” he said with a smile before walking away. 

She almost ran to Wong’s desk and sat next to him. “Sorry. I didn’t wake up.” He gave her a suspicious look. Everyone knew how she hated to be late. “Okay, fine. I couldn’t open a portal. Stephen came to rescue me. Again,” she sighed. 

“Here. The days of your lessons,” Wong said, handing her a piece of paper. He left the chair and she quickly took his place, happy to finally be back to work. He was about to head out but came back and gave her a serious look. “Until then, don’t go too close to the shelves. We don’t want you to lose another finger.”

Nora closed her eyes and nodded. “I was wondering if Stephen told you. Since you never mentioned it when you came over.”

“You know I don’t like to be involved in anyone’s life,” he started. “But since you made me recast all of the spells in all of the Sanctums, I will make an exception. Don’t you think you’re complicating your own life when it could be easier ?”

“I’ll tell Lance about the ring eventually.”

“Who’s Lance ?” he asked before slightly shaking his head. “That’s not what I was talking about.” When she opened her mouth to ask him what he was talking about, he walked away. Clearly, the exception to getting involved was now over. 

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now