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“What do you want for dinner ?” Nora asked, coming back to the living room. 

Her father turned to her and slowly shook his head. “Anything will be fine.”

She stood behind the couch, silently watching the TV screen. Stories after stories of people who were dead. Nora didn’t want to watch any of these, but her father couldn’t bring himself to stop. He had been back only for a few days, and all he could do was watch these stories on TV. 

Nora sighed and went to sit next to him. The list of things she had to do never seemed to end. She crossed ‘groceries’ and ‘fire tests London’ from the list and tried to figure out what to do next. After a few minutes, her father muted the TV and turned to face her. 

“Can you get me to the hospital tomorrow ?”

“Sure,” she said, relieved that it was just that. “When ?”

“Kelly has her evaluation at 10am. I thought I’d have lunch with her.”

Nora nodded. She almost forgot about the psych evaluation. She searched for it on her list and found it between ‘laundry’ and ‘fire tests in Wakanda’. “I’ll come with you. I need to talk to someone there.”

That someone being anyone that could explain to her why having a heart attack was so expensive and how she was supposed to pay for it. She turned the page and wrote ‘ask DoD for money’, knowing that they’d never agree to that. They didn’t look like the type of people to pay their hostages. 

“You don’t have to be with them again ?” he asked, reading her last addition to the list. 

“Not for a few days. I think they finally ran out of questions.”

He gave her a disapproving look. “You shouldn’t have told them.”

“I’m tired of the lies, Dad.”

“What if they put you in jail ? You were lucky.” This time, he was probably referring to the fact that Nora did, in fact, turn herself in for nearly burning down a whole country. 

“The Queen of Wakanda said she wouldn’t ask for me to be taken away from my family,” Nora argued. “I had to tell them. And see ? I’m all good. They know it was an accident.”

“Nora, you’re not ‘all good’. When’s the last time you had a full night of sleep ? You should take some time and rest.”

“What I should do,” she said, leaving the couch, “is cook you dinner.” 


“Pasta ?”

She was fine. She was alive, which was more than what half of the universe could say. She was alive and unharmed. She was fine. No one even wanted to put her in a cell, she still had people to take care of. She was as good as could be. 

Nora poured some water inside the pot and let it warm up on top of a flame of her own. She checked the house temperature with her father and tried to make it warmer. If she had to pay for her father’s and Kelly’s treatments, at least they’d save on the bills. 

Her phone rang and she quickly looked at the screen. As soon as she saw the name, she dropped everything. 

“Agent Romanoff ? What’s wrong ?”

“Wakanda called,” she replied, not bothering with any kind of small talk. “Someone entered the atmosphere.”

“I’m on my way.”

Nora ran outside the kitchen, confusing her father in the process. “What ?” he asked. 

“Someone is coming from space.”

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now