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Nora initially planned to take America to Seattle to eat some delicious Keller pizza. What she didn’t plan was that America would invite Wong and Stephen. She didn’t plan either that it would take them all so long to put on normal clothes that Tobias would show up to ask Wong for something to keep Julie busy and that they’d both end up joining in the trip to Seattle. 

Ethan was happy to have guests from so far and didn’t mind when they all entered the restaurant. 

As predicted, America didn’t have any memory of a better pizza. Nora was offended that the other Nora she’d lived with never brought her here, but she apparently thought it was important to keep her real family and the work one apart for some reason. In this universe, if Ethan hadn’t fed Wong and Stephen for so long, they’d have probably starved to death. 

“I like this one better,” Tobias said, looking around the restaurant.

America swallowed her mouthful of pizza and stared at Nora with wide eyes. “There’s another one ?”

“Hm, not anymore.”

“What happened ?”

“I burned it down,” Nora whispered. “That’s why we’ll work on your control.”

The girl pointed at Stephen. “He told me how to. I need to trust-”

“You did it once,” Julie explained, “and it was under a lot of pressure. You’ll need to train a lot before controlling yourself for good.”

“But it was great,” Nora argued. “You saved the world. Good job. I wasn’t doing that when I was 14.”

“33, and I’m still not doing it,” Tobias muttered to himself, taking a bite of his pizza. He looked at Stephen and pointed at his hands. “You regret it sometimes ? Not choosing your hands ?”

He seemed to think about it for a while. “I do, sometimes. But it was for the greater good.”

“We all made choices,” Wong explained. “Everything that could’ve been ‘is’ somewhere. I’d like that none of you tried to change things anymore.”

Nora sighed. “I promised to do all your paperwork for a year if you stopped talking about it.” She looked at America’s plate and smiled. “He’ll be happy you ate all of it. It’s the first time that I eat a pizza he’s cooked.”

“Where do you get pizza the rest of the time ?”

“Elsewhere. I’ll get you.”

After more food and more drinks, Nora went to pay. Because if she didn’t mind not paying when she was offered food for two, she did mind when it was for six people. Ethan took a minute to drag her to the kitchen and pointed at the table she’d just left. 

“She’s really from-”

“Yep. And she loved your pizza.”

“Maybe you won’t cheat on my food now,” he said with a disapproving look. “You like her."

Nora frowned. "I like a lot of people."


"She has parents." He nodded and silently walked back to his kitchen. "I'm serious, she has parents !"

Ethan ran back to her and crossed his arms. "I heard you the first time. Who are you trying to convince, Keller ?"

"You're an idiot."

"You're old."

She rolled her eyes at him and joined everyone outside. They dodged a few people asking for a picture with Nora. If there was one place where everyone always treated her right, it was home. Now that she wasn't crazy anymore, she'd probably agree to have a street in her name.

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now