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Nora thanked the waitress when she placed her plate in front of her and turned her attention back to her mother and Kelly. So far, everything was going fine, and she was genuinely happy to see them after so long without even a phone call. 

“What is it you’ve been working on ?” Kelly asked, looking at Nora’s plate with envy. 

“Nothing exciting,” Nora replied, shoving the food in her mouth, knowing how much Kelly was waiting to eat everything she wanted again. “Old books, the usual.”

Her mother rolled her eyes. “I’m sure it’s more interesting than you say. Will it be published again ? I love when you’re published, I can shove it in Denise’s face. She’s always saying how you’re only reading books.”

Kelly laughed and looked back at Nora. “So ? What is it about ?”


“Really ?” Nora nodded and briefly enjoyed the look on their faces, before realizing that she’d have to be more specific now. “Who would’ve thought ? I mean, did you know about magic before that girl joined the Avengers ? What’s her name ?”

“Maximoff,” Nora quickly said.

“She’s doing magic, right ? It has to be magic. I saw it on TV. They say she can read minds.”

Nora swallowed the food stuck in her throat and vehemently shook her head. “I had no idea,” she lied. 

“Flying robots, green monsters, frozen soldiers, Gods, and now magic,” Nora’s mother said with a concerned look. “What’s next ?”

“It could be worse.” 

“How ?”

“We could live in New York,” Nora scoffed. 

Ever since Tony Stark came out as Iron Man and moved his business to New York, the west coast was rather problem-free. Nothing ever happened in Seattle. The most dangerous thing in town was a girl with a magic ring, and she was spending most of her time in Nepal, reading books and staying as far away from this kind of life as possible.

“Well,” Kelly started, “if you find your way to Hogwarts, be careful. I don’t want my daughter to grow up without her aunt.”

“How are you both doing, by the way ?” Nora asked, trying to keep her ridiculous resentment at bay. She was doing good so far, she didn’t want to ruin lunch for everyone. 

“I can’t wait for her to be out. I’m sleeping all the time. The car keys fell on the floor before I left earlier, it took me ten minutes to be able to get them because I can’t see the floor.” Nora repressed a laugh. Kelly already talked about her mood swings earlier, and she didn’t want to cause one of them. “Don’t tell my mother I said that. She thinks I’m throwing a tantrum.”

“Your mother sucks.”

“That’s why I’m borrowing yours.”

Nora smiled and kept on eating. She had no idea why she would ever talk to Kelly’s mother without anyone forcing her. She hated the woman. Years. They’d been introduced to each other years ago, and she was still calling her ‘Norma’. That was enough for Nora to dislike her, and she was already dreading the future birthdays and other family reunions where she’d have to see that woman.

“You should come for dinner soon,” Kelly said out of the blue. “I’d like you to meet the new chef from the restaurant.”

Nora coughed and shook her head. “Nope. Not again. Remember the one you introduced me to last time ?” Kelly nodded. “Nightmare.”

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