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As soon as Nora heard the beeping sound from her phone, she looked at her left hand and moved her middle finger to the left, just enough for it to touch her dead finger. The suit immediately began disappearing and she smiled, finally getting a hang of it. 

The suit looked great, all in different shades of grey, the best kind to be unseen. Grey was good. At least they didn’t go with red or some flashy color. The last thing Nora wanted was for people to have anything to say about her again. Now with grey, no one would even notice her if she had to wear it in public. 

She grabbed her phone and smiled when she saw the number of texts from Julie. 

This is crazy. 
Are you sure they’re all coming back ? 
I don’t understand what Tony Stark has to do with it.
This is not good. Time isn’t a game. Tell them.
Did you tell them ? Why are you not replying ? 
Okay, Wong explained everything. I get the thing with Stark and the child. 
I CAN’T TELL TOBIAS ? I’m telling him everything, I can’t hide THAT from him. 
Nora, I hope you’re dead. It’s the only acceptable reason for you not replying to me. There is a crisis, you have to keep your phone. 

Calm down. I was playing with my new suit. 
They’re setting everything up for a quick try. 

Already ?

I can’t explain. They tried telling me, but science is NOT my thing. 
Don’t worry, it won’t work. 

Stark still won’t help ? 

Haven’t heard of him in days. 

“Hey, Nora ! We’re ready to send him back !” She looked at Steve and nodded.

They’re ready. I’ll call you when it’s done. 

She put her phone back in her pocket and joined the others in the garage. Nora let out a heavy breath at the sight of Scott’s horrendous van and went to stand next to the others. She didn’t want anyone to question her lack of enthusiasm again, so she’d be as supportive as someone who already knew nothing good would come out of it. 

At least they entertained Scott’s plan for a while. He deserved closure until Tony decided to get his hands dirty, which could take another five years. A decade, even. He’d probably start to look into it when Morgan would be in college. When he’d get bored. 

Scott closed his helmet and smiled at them. “It’s gonna work, guys.”


It didn’t work. 

Scott didn’t go back in time. Or he did, but not the way they were all hoping for. He became a teenager, and then an old man, before coming back as a very cute baby. For a second, Nora considered leaving him that way. No more questions if he didn’t know how to speak yet. 

But Banner found a way to get him back. 

“Time travel !” he triumphantly shouted. 

While Nat was trying to remember how to breathe and Steve was leaving, Nora patted Scott’s shoulder and smiled at him. “Come on, let’s get you out of that thing.”

He followed her back inside, where she quietly handed him a new set of clothes while he was talking to himself. He seemed even more decided to keep trying, and before he went away to get changed, Nora stopped him. 

“Hey, Scott.” He stopped talking and turned to her. “Remember what I told you. It’s okay.”

“But it’s not,” he quickly said. He crossed his arm and slowly shook his head. “And I don’t think you care.”

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now