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Before they could go anywhere, a dozen jeeps from the army surrounded Banner and Nora. That was it. They were taking her to a cell and she’d never see the light of day again. Less than a second later, she noticed the red dots on her shirt. She closed her eyes, and pushed Banner as far away from her as possible. That man wouldn’t survive a fight between their guns and her ring. 

When no one seemed to be shooting her, she opened one eye. A man was slowly walking towards her and stopped at a reasonable distance. “Ms Keller !” he shouted, his hands up. “I have someone on the phone for you !”

“How do you know my name ?” He held a phone in front of him. Nora sighed and carefully took a step in his direction, still aware of all the dots following her every move. “Hello ?”

“Bring Dr Banner to the Avengers compound,” a woman said on the other end of the line. 

“Who’s talking ?”

“Pepper Potts. Bring him in one piece, we need to talk.”

That woman sent the army after Nora, and now she was asking her to do what she said. Nora looked around her. “Do you have somewhere safe ? Not in plain sight, I mean.”

“Not at the moment.”

Great. We’re on our way.”

She hung up and handed the phone back to the army guy. “We have a car waiting for you,” he said, pointing behind him but never leaving Nora from his sight. 

“I don’t need a car,” she calmly said. Somewhere in the distance, journalists were already gathering, their cameras pointed in their direction. “But I could use a little privacy.”

The man turned around and looked at the people still holding their guns. “Panels ! Up !”

They immediately put down their weapons and pulled panels from their jeeps. They circled everyone and in no time, they were completely hidden from the public view. Nora looked at Banner with wide eyes.

“Let’s go,” she quickly said, pulling him towards her. 

“Where are we going ?” he asked.

“Pepper Potts wants to see you.” Nora took a step closer. “She has all the Stark money, right ?” He gave her a slight nod. “Good. She must have a spaceship.”

Banner looked at her with confusion. “But your friend, he said-”

“Are you taking me to jail, sir ?” she asked the army man. When he shook his head, she turned back to Banner. “If I’m not going to jail, then I’m going to space. I’ll leave you to your new babysitter, and in exchange for you she’ll get me up there. Sounds like a good deal to me, right ?”

She opened a portal in front of them, instantly making all the men holding the panels take a step back. She quickly apologized and pushed Banner to the other side. 

In the middle of a parking lot. Of course she opened a portal in the middle of a parking lot, and now people were screaming. Others were taking pictures. 

“Lead the way,” she said, trying to hide her face. 

“I don’t know this place,” Banner replied. Nora started walking towards the door while he was glancing at the people left and right. “So you have issues controlling yourself too.”

“I’m fine. Walk faster.”

“I think the whole world saw what you did on the street. Do you meditate ?” Nora stopped and turned to face him. Banner quickly raised his hands in defense. “I mean, no. It’s possible that no one saw you. Sorry.”

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now