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“Hey,” Nora whispered. “Give me the camera.” Pepper handed it to her, not understanding what she was doing. A second later, Nora showed her a picture of a very out of breath Tony, trying to blow balloons. “Show it to her when she’s a teenager. He’ll lose all credibility and you’ll be her favorite parent.”

“Is it okay with you ?” Pepper asked. “I know your niece was her age when-”

“All good. I mean, I don’t particularly like kids, but yours isn’t ugly or mean, so it’s fine,” Nora laughed.

Tony looked up from his balloons and stared at Nora with wide eyes. “Hey Carrie, don’t tell me you just called my child ugly.”

“That’s ridiculous,” Nora sighed. “She was a telepath.”

“She burned a few things.”

“Not by the power of fire.”

“Same thing. You’ll be Carrie for as long as you don’t apologize for calling my child ugly,” he stated before throwing the balloon bag away. 

Nora walked to the buffet and smiled at the food. She was starving.

“I don’t know if we’re having a party for Morgan or the guests,” Pepper said. 

“She’s two. She’ll just eat cake until she gets sick, and you’ll clean up the vomit on the carpet,” Nora smirked. “See ? We have similar plans for the night.”

Pepper gave her a sad look. “How are things at home ?”

“Bad enough to not talk about it today. I’m here to have fun and eat at least half of everything.”

“If you want to talk about it-”

“I know,” Nora quickly finished. “And it’s already very annoying that you’re so perfect all the time, so we’ll talk about this another day.” As Pepper was opening her mouth, Nora raised a finger and cut her off. “I said not today. We’re dealing with it. This is Morgan’s day. And yours,” she added with a mischievous smile. “Two years ago, you popped a human being out of your vagina. You gotta celebrate.”

Tony froze behind her. “I don’t feel like eating anymore.” He looked at Nora and sighed. “I’ll need you for another round  soon.”

“We’re not talking about work today,” Pepper said. She smiled at Nora. “It’s Morgan’s day.”

Nora didn’t mind helping with decorating. It was reminding her of Emi’s birthdays. She only had two, but those were good memories. And it was nice to see everyone coming back from time to time. She was still trying to get used to Banner’s new… appearance, but she was getting there. At least he found a way to go green. 

As they were betting on what was inside the humongous pile of gifts, Nat smiled at Nora. “You’re in a good mood.”

Nora turned on her seat and smiled back at her. “I’m away from home, which classifies this day as a good day.”

“That’s so sad,” Rhodey laughed. 

“Why is Tony looking at you like that ?” Banner asked. 

“He thinks I called Morgan ugly.”

Nat punched her arm and shook her head. “She has a death wish. Someone get her back to her cell.”

Naura laughed. “He called me Carrie.”

“She was a telepath,” Banner corrected. 

Nora pointed a victorious finger at him, glad that someone had some culture around here. She looked at the other people in the room and sighed. “Pepper’s family is still weird.”

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now