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It took Nora a whole week to stop whining about the current state of her life. She had no job. She had no money, because she had no job. She had no apartment, because she had no money, because she had no job. 

She went through everything

Shock from Stephen just firing her without having a proper conversation about it. He didn’t even care that she wouldn’t be coming back.  

Pain from the fact that she liked that job, she liked her life, and now it was all gone because of a stupid mistake. She did worse than that and no one turned on her like that. She considered that it was probably the last straw to convince them that she couldn’t be trusted with anything, and it just became even more painful that she lost everyone’s trust for good.  

Anger, because it was all Stephen’s fault in the end. He made her leave her old life and work in Kamar-Taj for free, and now he was taking everything away from her because she had the audacity to imply his girlfriend had something to do with it. 

And now, she just wanted to find some kind of life again. She needed her mother off her back. She spent the past three weeks asking Nora if she was fine. And if she had to hear it one more time, Nora would probably implode. She needed her own place. She tried asking for her old apartment back but it had already been taken. 

Nora would be lying if she said she didn’t consider making a small incident happen in that apartment. Something like convincing the current people in it that it was haunted. Or a fire hazard. But she realized how immoral it was and decided to find something new. A new place for a new start. 

And in the meantime, she was doing her best to get a job, any job, and spend as much time away from her parents’ house as possible. 

“They really didn’t call you back ?” Kelly asked, cleaning Emi’s face. 

“Nope. Too qualified.” Nora looked at Emi and winced. “You’re sure you can let her eat on her own ? She’s disgusting.” The toddler saw her aunt looking at her and waved, a big smile plastered on her face. “Yep, I’m talking about you. You gotta learn how to not eat like a little pig,” Nora added, smiling back at her.

Kelly gave her a disapproving look. “She may not understand but I do, Nora.” She handed her daughter a banana and turned back to Nora. “Call the wizards. Tell them it was a stupid mistake.”

“I don’t think you understand,” Nora sighed. “I don’t want to go back. Wong himself told me that it would only last a few days. I’m the one who decided that if I went away it was over for good.”

“Then you’re an idiot.”

“They didn’t call me back either. Clearly they don’t care about me, I’m not going to give them another minute of my life,” Nora firmly said. Kelly opened her mouth but Nora raised her hand to stop her. “Can we talk about something else ? Like your child trying to put an entire banana in her mouth,” she added, pointing at Emily.

“Sure, sorry. Emi, don’t put it all in your mouth, it’s too big for you, it won’t fit.” Hearing Nora’s muffled laugh, she turned back and threw the spoiled napkin at her. “You disgust me.”

“I disgust myself,” Nora admitted. “Anyway, I’m seeing Jimmy today. He said he had news about the people I asked him to find.”

“Finally,” Kelly breathed out. She glanced at Nora’s hand and arched a brow. “It’s still green.”

“I know.”

“You said you were back to dying.”

“I know.” Kelly didn’t stop staring at her. “What ?”

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