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“I can deliver it, you know,” Tobias said as Nora was gathering her latest notes. 

“I need to go to New York anyway,” she said. “I’m going to check on Peter for Tony before he loses his mind. I don’t understand why no one is doing anything now. He’s getting attacked in the streets !”

Julie raised her hand and stopped Nora from teleporting. “No teleportation in New York,” she warned her. “Stephen kept the Keller protection spells.”

“I’m sure he did,” Nora laughed. “I’ll walk, then. Don’t worry, I won’t see him. Get in, drop the notes for Wong, get out. Easy as that.”

Tobias arched a brow. “You got your meds ? Just in case.”

When she rolled her eyes at him, Julie stepped in. “Can I say something ? Nora, one day you’ll have to talk to him. You’re doing much better already, you’re working with Wong, you even went on an Avenger thing.”

“I don’t think playing frisbee with Sam and Bucky can be considered an ‘Avenger thing’,” she laughed. 

“Is it not even on your list ? You’re going to avoid him forever ?”

Maybe. I don’t know, Julie.” Nora took a deep breath. “I told you about the nightmares. If I talk to him and it triggers another episode, I might be a danger for the both of us. He hates me enough as it is.”

“Okay, now you’re crazy again,” Tobias said. “I don’t think he’s physically able to hate you.”

“What if your nightmares never stop ?” Julie asked.

“Then you’ll both have to accept that Stephen will never be a part of my life again. Not all relationships can be fixed,” she said, remembering the wise words of Dr Martinez. That woman was a genius.

“Sad,” Tobias said. 

“And also untrue,” Julie added, crossing her arms. “He’s a part of your family, you’re a part of his.”

“And you still love each other,” Tobias quickly said after her. 

“Hm. Tell that to Stephen when he shows up in my dreams to kill me. I never heard him say that he loved me before snapping my neck.”

Nightmares, Nora. Those are just nightmares caused by your PTSD.”


She left them and walked away. They weren’t there. These dreams felt more real than anything else she’d ever experienced. Of course it was also a symptom of her PTSD, but it was too much to handle. Nora wasn’t joking when she said she could become a danger to Stephen if she was ever talking to him without being ready. 

When she entered the library in Kamar-Taj, she smiled. She had good memories here. It was a good place. She hurried to the New York door and sighed in relief when she saw the empty hallway. She could’ve come up with a plan with the cloak to make sure it was safe for her to come here. 

While she was walking towards the library, she was sure she heard something behind her. She turned around, ready to fire away. But there was no one and she rolled her eyes. 

“I’m crazy. Real crazy,” she whispered. 

She made it to the library without any problem, just like it was supposed to happen. She left her notes on the usual table Wong was using, took a quick look at the book he was reading. Dragons. Nora took a pen and wrote ‘CALL ME WHEN YOU GO MEET THE DRAGON’ at the top of every single page of her notes. There was no way she’d miss meeting an actual dragon. She also wanted to see these rings he was asking her to work on. As ring holders courtesy, of course, and not because she was desperate to meet people who didn’t know she was a little unstable.

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now