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“That’s it, then ?”

Nora nodded and kept on taking down the notes pinned on the wall in her office before placing them in the box her father was holding. “Well, I was still almost an accomplice to the Apocalypse.”

“Look, Nora. I would’ve done the same thing.” He looked at the maps she was carefully closing and frowned. “I’m not sure how I feel about you binding your life to a man you barely know. How old did you say he was already ?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “Somewhere between you and me.”

“Hm. What if he lives for a long time and people ask why you’re not aging ?”

She looked away from the wall and smiled. “Are you afraid he’s gonna die too soon or too late ?” Her father shrugged. “I’ll just say I found a miracle skincare routine,” she said with a laugh. “People are ready to believe anything, and I’ll make tons of money selling some shitty things that won’t work. I’ll pay for your retirement.”

“I’m just glad this is all over.”

“I have to learn magic, though.”

He sat on the edge of Nora’s desk and placed the box next to him. “You always liked it. Imagine all the new books you’ll be able to read. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted.”

“But I still need to work. I mean, I’ve spent all my savings paying rent the past few months. I’m broke, Dad.”

“But you’re not dying anymore,” he said with a smile. “We’ll find a way. Besides, New York is way closer to Seattle than Nepal. You’ll be able to call your mother more often now.”

“And visit Emily,” Nora added, opening a new box. She didn’t know when she accumulated so many things about the ring, but she was impressed. “Oh, and I’ll call Paul again. Try to get myself a second date.”

“Who ?”

“A man, Dad. Sorry to break it to you, but these things happen”, she laughed, patting his shoulder. 

They kept tearing everything apart, happy to finally turn the page on that chapter of their lives. If the whole situation had been hard on Nora, she knew how bad it was for him too. And somehow, taking it down together would surely help them both to realize it was really dealt with. He’d been feeling so helpless for so long, he deserved every bit of satisfaction he could get.

A few hours later, when her father was long gone and she was well rested, Nora decided to call the restaurant and make a reservation. She’d find a way to get in the kitchen and talk to Paul. She’d apologize, they’d start dating and she’d hope to change his mind about having a big family. She planned everything in her head already, and it would work. She had so much time ahead of her now, everything would be just fine.

She made sure to look her best and grabbed her purse on the way out. But as she was walking through the room, a portal opened in front of her. She gasped from the surprise and gave Wong a worried look.

“What is it ?” Nora asked. She quickly wiggled her hands to stop him from saying anything. “I don’t want to know. I have a reservation.”

“It’s been a week,” he said with a disapproving tone. “You didn’t come back.”

“It’s only been a week, Wong ! The world almost ended, I think we can all take a month off.”

“Follow me.”

She checked the time on her phone. She still had time, but whatever it was, she had to be out pretty fast. As they were walking through the halls of the New York Sanctum, Nora quickly texted her brother to let him know she’d be late. Whatever it was, Wong decided that she was needed and she wasn’t expecting anything good. 

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now