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“So,” he sighed, “this is our last session. I’ll give my full report to your superiors very soon.”

“Rhodey ?”

And the Department of Defense, and the UN.”

Of course they’d all know. “Will I have a copy of it ?”

“I can tell you now.” Nora immediately nodded. She did everything he asked her to do, even when she was close to burning entire places down. She complied with everything. The doctor closed his notebook and crossed his arms. “I’ll tell them that you’ve been highly uncooperative.”

What ?” she asked, already on the edge of her seat. 

But he simply ignored her. “You’re stubborn, you don’t care about orders given to you, and you very clearly have obsessive tendencies. You developed an ability to lie and hide your feelings superior to what is socially acceptable,” he kept saying while Nora was looking at him with wide eyes. “I’ll write that you missed more than half of your mandatory sessions and barely talked when you decided to show up.”

“So you’re not clearing me,” she said with a tight throat. 

“Oh, I will,” he scoffed. “I won’t be the one to tell them to take that ring away from you. You’re a ticking time-bomb waiting to explode, Miss Keller. I don’t think you’re fit to even wear something that powerful, and I don’t think you want to keep it either.” He leaned forward and looked her in the eyes. “What I do know, however, is that we’d have another Wanda Maximoff on our hands if anything happened to your family.”

Nora clenched her jaw. “I am nothing like her,” she said through gritted teeth. She'd been saying this for weeks, and she really couldn't wait for him to stop implying that.

“I’ve read both of your personal files,” he said, arching a brow at Nora. “You’re more alike than you think.”

“I am not her. What she did to me-”

“It’s only a matter of time before you do it to other people.” He leaned back on his chair and sighed. “I’m sending you back to work because the world needs your ring. Whatever happens next will be blamed on your deception skills.”

“But you told me to-”

“My job was never to make you feel better about Westview,” he calmly explained, as if Nora missed something for weeks. “It was to make you understand that none of it is about you. The world needs your ring, and right now you’re the one wearing it. We needed to make sure you understand what the stakes are.”

Nora only wanted to throw up. Scream. Cry, even. She did everything right, and it wasn’t enough. Now they’d take her job, and everyone would think that she was crazy. She’d lose everything. 

“Can I leave ?” she finally asked, fighting back the tears. 

“Of course.”

“You’ll write it on your report ?”

He nodded. “Most likely.”


She left her seat and didn’t wait to be out of the building to disappear in a wave of flames. She couldn’t stay one more second. She had to go. 

When she appeared in the middle of her living room, Nora couldn’t move anymore. She was stuck, standing in the middle of countless boxes. She knew that he hated her, but she never thought that it would go as far as ruining her chances to get her job back. 

Everyone would know. He’d write that she was just like Wanda. That she was a terrorist. She’d never do that. 

Nora was not Wanda Maximoff. She would never hurt innocent people. She wasn’t even remotely as powerful. If she was, Nora would’ve come to her and fought. She didn’t. 

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now