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Nora was checking the list of things they still needed for Tony’s time machine and handed a few papers to Steve on their way to see how it was going. Rocket and Tony had been working non stop for days and Nora was beginning to feel like his personal assistant. 

“Did they eat ?” Steve asked. 

“Yesterday. They only asked for coffee this morning.” She turned to him and arched a brow.”I didn’t know raccoons could drink coffee.” They stopped in front of the time machine for a few seconds before Nora frowned. “Does it have to be so big ?” she shouted at Tony. 

He looked up. “Does it have to work ?” She huffed and he turned to Steve. “The team ?”

“Nat is still explaining everything to Clint.”

“How is he ?”

“Operational,” Steve said. “Not the best, but operational.”

Nora and Tony exchanged a quick look. Out of everyone, he was the one who could’ve used a bit of hope in his life. Instead, they let him kill people for years.  

“Thor ?” he asked. 

“Absolutely not operational,” Nora said. 

“You still know how to handle drunk people ?”

“I never did, Tony.”

“Good, this is your second chance. Make sure he doesn’t drink. He tasted coffee this morning and said it was lacking whiskey. Keep him from drinking.”

Nora shook her head, suddenly scared. “He’s still a God. If he wants to drink, I won’t be the one to tell him not to.”

He dropped his tools and gave her a questioning look. “Your friends are still not helping ?”

“They know what we’re doing. They’re asking us to be extra careful,” she explained, remembering the heated conversation she had with the Sanctums’ masters about this. 

“Because playing with Time comes with consequences,” Steve recited. 

Nora patted his head and smiled. “Good boy.” She turned back towards Tony and nodded. “They won’t stop us. They have hope of keeping the Time Stone when we’re done with it. I didn’t tell them you wanted to destroy them yet.” More lies. One more, one less, Nora wasn’t counting anymore. 

Tony looked at his phone and jumped from his time machine. “Ah. I need you to open one of your magic rings. Delivery time.” He handed her his phone. “This address, and you’ll give them that,” he added, pushing a suitcase in her direction. “They wanted cash. Who wants cash these days ?”

“I have nothing from Liechtenstein on my list,” Nora suspiciously said. 

“Don’t ask. I just need your ring of very intimidating fire. Try to also be intimidating,” he added before going back to work. 

Nora sighed and grabbed the suitcase before leaving the garage. She walked far enough from the building to try and look threatening before opening a portal. That thing was menacing enough on its own, but for whatever reason she needed extra fear on her side. 

She looked behind her and decided a little more fire wouldn’t hurt. 

Two men stared at her from the other side, arms crossed, faces unamused. They were way more scary-looking than Nora could ever be, and she pushed the suitcase towards them. They didn’t even flinch when they saw all that fire. Big Guy number one checked what was inside and nodded at Big Guy number two. 

As he was pushing the crate towards her, she tried to listen to what they were saying. The few words she managed to hear in the middle of the screams coming from their side finished to scare her to death. 

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now