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Nora had never been so scared before. Of that giant alien in front of her, of herself, of what was about to happen. Her entire body was shaking. She wanted it to stop, but nothing was answering anymore. The whole system shut down. 

As she was taking deep breaths to keep the fear away, she exchanged a brief look with Rogers before he glanced behind them. Nora turned around and nodded at him.

“I’ll give her a minute,” she whispered. “But then-”

“You’ll do your best,” he calmly said. “If it’s not enough, it won’t be your fault.”

He left Nora’s side to join the others, ready to fight. She gave them a quick look before turning around and running to Wanda. She grabbed her hand and gently squeezed it. 

“We don’t have a choice anymore,” Nora said in a quiet voice. “You need to say goodbye.”

“I can’t.”

“You can.”

Wanda looked at her, her eyes filled with tears. “Would you do it ?”

No, absolutely not,” Nora admitted without an ounce of shame. “But I trust you to do the right thing now.”

She gave Vision a sorry smile and walked away, making sure to give them some space. 

Thanos was already getting rid of everyone standing in his way. If he didn’t kill them, Nora would. She had no doubt she’d be the one to kill them all now. The ring was way stronger than her and if he got too close, she’d lose the last bit of control she had. She watched as he was throwing people away, using his gauntlet to turn their assaults to nothingness. 

“Please, just a minute,” she whispered to herself. “Don’t do anything. Please, don’t kill them. She’s gonna destroy the stone, and it’ll be fine.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Please, let me handle it.”

Nora conjured a shield to protect her when no one was left standing between her and Thanos. Wanda was still trying to destroy the stone. If Nora could do anything to help her, it would leave Stephen some time to come back from space and help them. Turn time around. Send Thanos to the mirror dimension. Anything, as long as people weren’t dying. 

But Thanos didn’t care about her shield. Just like he didn’t care about any of the others. The fire turned to water and splashed onto the ground. She tried to put up another wall between them, only for it to meet the same fate as the previous one. 

He raised his arm. The fire that immediately erupted to protect her turned to another pool of water at her feet. Something hit Nora in the chest, sending her flying towards a tree. She screamed at the sharp pain coursing through her spine and prayed to stay conscious. At this point, this was all she had left. Prayers. 

Nora painfully crawled back to him. Wanda was managing to keep him away. Unable to stand, Nora sent a fireball at Wanda’s magic, hoping that it would strengthen the red shield keeping him from getting to her. Wanda used the surge of energy to push Thanos a few feet away and focused on the stone. 

They just needed a little time. 

When the stone gave up under Wanda’s constant assaults, the energy blast from its destruction stopped everyone and brought them all to the ground. Vision’s lifeless body collapsed next to Wanda. Thanos didn’t look angry at the sight of an Infinity Stone being destroyed in front of him. He only stopped next to Wanda for a second and kept walking towards Vision. 

He effortlessly grabbed it and pointed his gauntlet towards Vision’s head. 

At the same time, Wanda and Nora’s eyes looked up. As Wanda’s were looking at Vision in pure horror, Nora’s were silently staring at Thanos’ hand. 

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