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Kelly handed the printed pictures back to Nora’s mother and frowned. “You think we can do that here ?”

“How was he ?” 

Nora looked at them and smiled. “I told you. He was just like Dad. I’m sure he got a cigarette after seeing what his daughter could’ve become, but he was nice to me.”

“Of course he was,” Nora’s mother said, holding her hand. She looked back at the pictures and shrugged. “We don’t have any of this equipment.”

Yet,” Nora said with a smile. “I sent everything I had to Pepper, and she already has a million ideas. Tony’s will start working on the prototypes soon. He was a little mad when I told him his Ultron thing worked somewhere out there, though,” she laughed. 

“You’re coming with us for dinner ?” Kelly asked. “Ethan’s paying.”

“I’d love to, and tell him I’ll be back for some pizza tomorrow, but I need to go back. I haven’t exactly been helping since everyone came back to Kamar-Taj.”

“What about your ring ? You know how to destroy it now,” her mother said, looking at her hand.

Nora turned the ring around her finger for a few seconds. She’d been thinking about it for a while, she even went to talk to Amarra about it. “I’ll keep it for now,” she finally said. “I’ll take it off when I don’t need it anymore. But when I do it, it’ll be destroyed for good.”



She smiled and left them to look at the pictures of her other father’s garden and teleported back to Kamar-Taj. She tried to avoid the place as much as possible as long as she hadn’t been to the longest therapy session of her life, but now that it was done, she’d had to go back. Even if it was only to check up on America and avoid other matters she didn’t want to talk about yet for reasons involving jealousy and anger, she still had to show up. 

Of course when she arrived in Kamar-Taj, Wong was already with Stephen. She should’ve known. She turned on the ‘pretending that everything is fine’ mode and joined them. 

“How’s Julie ?” Wong asked. 

“She says it’ll go nicely with the scar on her face and it’s just an eye,” Nora explained. She spent some time in London, but Tobias was more than capable to take care of Julie’s recovery. “Doctors said she won’t get her sight back, but the pain won’t last.” She looked away and started laughing. “She told me it was Karma for trying to knock me out.”

Wong looked at Nora’s bandages. “What about you ?”

“Good. I’m trying not to scratch it, but it’s good,” she said. “How’s she doing ?” she asked, waving at America. 

Stephen looked at the girl training with the other students in the courtyard. “She needs to slow down and be more patient.” Wong and Nora exchanged a knowing look. “I wasn’t-”

Yes,” Wong immediately interrupted. 

“We need to get her a friend before she decides to harass someone who wants to be left alone,” Nora added. 

Stephen turned to her and frowned. “I never harassed you.”

“You did,” she argued. “Always following me, talking to me, asking questions when I clearly said ‘leave me alone, loser’.”

“You needed a friend. I did you a favor.”

“I had Wong, actively lying to me, and I had Mordo.”

The Flames of Amarra - DR STRANGE x OC - COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now