Secluded (1) (Daryl)

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- Imagine: Y/N has a big crush on Daryl and does her best to stay away and keep it under wrap which doesn't last for long, Daryl soon finding out.

The group just cleared cell block "C". Beth and Hershel took a room, Glenn and Maggie took a room, as did the rest. Leaving Daryl and I standing there looking at the last vacant cell.

"No way I'm sleepin in a cage, imma take the perch." He said brushing past you, climbing the stairs and tossing his bag on the lookout. I felt sort of empty once he left my side, it became cold and uncomfortable. Ever since the group met in Atlanta, I developed an unbelievable crush on Daryl. Luckily he never saw past the walls I put up, preventing anyone from discovering my secret. Unfortunately, one member of the group easily saw how bad I had it, and promised not to say anything. That person being Maggie.

"Ya know, it's only gonna get harder if you don't tell him." Maggie said from behind me. I sheepishly looked up and nodded in agreement, even though I could never bring myself to do it.

I walked over to the last vacant cell and practically collapsed on the bunk. It was old and dusty, but the best bed I've had in a long time.

"Comfy?" Hershel asked leaning against the doorframe. I smiled and nodded, but left it at that. I was never one for talking, usually communicated through nods and facial expressions. It's not that I'm unable, I just don't think that my words matter.


It was almost nightfall and the group decided to relax for the night and go outside to have a campfire gathering. Everyone was walking out while I stayed on my bunk and tried to lose myself for a bit. It was quiet, peaceful nonetheless.

"Hey," I heard a gruff voice come from the doorway. I shot up and saw Daryl leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. I shot up and looked at him for a moment, but then fixed my eyes on everything but him.

"Hi." I barely spoke.

"What're ya doin here?" He asked. I tried my best to answer, but couldn't find the words to say.

"Cmon," he said nodding towards the exit. He started to walk away and I followed a ways behind.

"Y/N! Where were you?" Maggie questioned once Daryl and I got outside. I shrugged my shoulders and looked to the ground. Before I knew it Maggie grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me towards where the group was. I looked over my shoulder and saw Daryl watch as Maggie took me away. He gave a slight nod and went to hang out with Rick and T-Dog.

Although I wasn't one for social gatherings, tonight was well needed. Everyone's spirits were high, we were safe, and for once it didn't feel like we were struggling to survive. This prison was the best thing that ever happened to this group.

Beth started singing as Maggie joined in, I hummed along and took in every moment of it. My eyes flicked to Daryl who was leaning against the wall of the prison looking in my direction. My breathing hitched in my throat and I stopped humming almost instantly. My eyes wandered around and tried to focus on anything but him, but his gaze felt as though it bore a hole in my head. I excused myself from the group and stood up to walk away, but Maggie grabbed my hand just before I could. She gave me a look of sympathy but I ignored it as I shook my hand free of her grasp and walked towards the prison.

I never thought I'd find comfort in a place like a prison, but that's exactly where I went. I went to my cell and yanked on the door to shut it. It slammed shut with a loud bang and rattled at the force.

I was on the verge of tears until I heard a rattling noise against my cell. I whipped around and saw Daryl dragging his hunting knife across the cell bars, getting my attention.

"Hey." I said barely above a whisper.

"What's with you lately?"


"Why'd ya rush in here so fast?" He asked while shifting his weight to one side. "Looked like you were havin fun."

"I was, but-"

"What." He said almost immediately.

"Nothing. It's stupid." I said attempting to wave it off, but he persisted.

"It'd help if ya talked bout it."

"Really, I'm fine."

"Just tell me-"

"I said no okay?!" I snapped. Taken back by my outburst, he raised his hands up in defeat and backed away from the cell door.

"Didn't think ya had it in ya." He said with a slight smirk. I pulled the door open and brushed past him, trying my hardest to not deal with the situation at the moment. I was just about out of the area until I heard shuffling behind me and my arm being pulled back.

I turned around and was met face to face with Daryl. He looked to my eyes and all around my face before his gaze flicked back to mine. My heart must've been beating a million miles a second because that's what it felt like. I was inches away from his face and I was ready to shut him out completely and hide away, but something kept me where I was.

Before I knew it his lips met mine and we were standing there in each other's grasp. He pulled me close to him as I snaked my arms around his neck. All of my senses were on end and I was on cloud 9. The kiss lasted for a few moments until we both pulled away and looked for each others' expressions. He rested his forehead on mine and held my head in his hands.

"Ain't nothin to be scared about." He said. My eyes widened and I was curious as to what he was referring to.

"Want are you talking about?"

"Maggie and I had a little chat." He said barely above a whisper. My blood began to boil, I went to go give Maggie a piece of my mind but when I began to walk away, Daryl's grip tightened on my hand.

"Don't." He said simply. He pulled on my hand and led me out to the others. They tried their best not to stare, but some couldn't help but notice Daryl and I together. He sat down and held his arms out for me to fall into. I sat next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close.

Although I wanted to kill Maggie for spilling my secret to the person that was never supposed to hear it, I was sort of glad he found out. Knowing that there could be a possible future for us.

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