If That's What You Want (1) (Daryl)

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- Imagine: After the prison fell, Beth and Y/N met up with with Daryl. Y/N still thinks the group is out there while Daryl refuses to think the same. When the two don't see eye to eye she takes matters into her own hands. Leading to a series of unfortunate events.

The prison just collapsed, everyone scattered and there was no way of finding each other. I escaped with Beth just as Michonne killed The Governor. We've been running for what felt like hours, but in reality, it was only a couple minutes. Time goes by slowly when you're running from possible death. We finally broke through tepee tree line into a field with tall grass. We frantically stepped over the large, bulky patches of grass. A ting to get as far away from the wreck as possible.

All of a sudden I heard something running in our direction. I pulled Beth to the ground and we both fell, our backs to the ground.

"Y/N what the-" Beth started to say until I shushed her immediately. I slowly pulled my dagger from its sheath and waited patiently for whatever it was to show itself. Our breathing was heavy and we couldn't help but gasp for air due to all of the running. At this rate, we'd be noticed in no time. I turned around to check on Beth for a quick moment. Her eyes were as big as plates and her breathing hitched, almost as if she'd seen a ghost. I looked back to where I was originally and was met with the tip of an arrow staring right between my eyes. I froze automatically and just stared at the sharp stick about to imbed itself into my forehead. I thought all was lost until I head Beth's small voice speak up.

"D-Daryl?" She said out of disbelief. I opened my eyes that I didn't realize I had shut and looked up through the tall grass to see none other than the younger Dixon. Once he realized who we were, he instantly dropped the crossbow and looked to both Beth and I.


It eventually started to get dark out, and we had no shelter, no food, no water. It would probably be easier to make a list of the stuff we had then what we didn't. The whole time we were walking, Beth and I lagged behind while Daryl led the way to wherever we were going. He didn't say a word the entire time, it was a little awkward before, but now it's just normal.

"Where are we even going?" I spoke up from the back of the group. Just as I said that Daryl made a sharp turn and held a hand behind him, telling us to stay back. He picked up a stick that was split at the top into a "v" shape and slowly crept up to something in the grass. Within seconds, Daryl trapped something and killed it by driving his knife into it. He stood up to his full height and turned around holding a now dead snake in his grasp. Beth turned around so the sight of it wouldn't make her gag anymore than it already had. Meanwhile I stood there and looked in disgust as Daryl sat on a nearby fallen tree and started to skin the snake.

"You aren't kidding.. Are you?" I asked with a smirk of disbelief, in hope that he was actually kidding. He scoffed and went back to his work.

"Fine, don't eat it. Die from starvation." He said so nonchalantly. I was a bit taken back by his rudeness, but then again we were all on edge after the prison.

Beth and I looked to each other as Daryl placed half of the snake on a stick before us. With hesitation, I took it from him while Beth wholeheartedly refused. The little meat that he could strip from the snake was charged nonetheless, but it was food and at this point, I can't complain. I slammed my eyes shut and took a bite, expecting the worst. Surprisingly, it was better than I thought it would have been. I looked to Beth who had a look of horror on her face while watching me eat.

"It's not that bad." I said.

"Sick." She said in response. I suddenly realized that I had something in my bag to tie her over for the time being. I pulled out a can of applesauce and rolled it over to her. She nodded a silent thank you in response and started to hack away at the top with her hunting knife.

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