Past Lives (1) (Daryl/AU)

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- Imagine: A series of events throughout Y/N and Daryl's lives growing up.

When you pushed me to the ground and bandaged my wounds- (5)

"I know ya didn't just say what I think ya said." The boy snarled with rage coursing throughout his small stature.

"And if I did?" She said, taking a step forward, meeting him eye to eye. The sudden burst of confidence she got soon being ripped out from under her with a shove to the ground.

He kicked up the dirt as she struggled to dust off the already stained overalls she wore.  "Quit it will ya?" She snapped, causing him to stop abruptly.  The joy that covered his face died down to genuine concern. He took a step forward only for her to take a step back.  He looked to her with a sorry glance while she stared daggers at him.

His eyes then focused on her arm, a small gash just above her elbow.  His heart sunk at the thought of him causing such a thing.  She, however, showed no signs of pain.  Mainly concerned with her mothers' reaction to staining more clothes, she tried to brush as much dirt as she could.

"You're bleedin" the boy said softly, pointing to her  arm.  She looked over and struggled to see the wound completely due to its placement.  He took a dusty rag from his back pocket and wrapped it around her arm, covering the gash. 

"Thanks " She said quietly, not wanting to thank him for something that he caused in the first place.  The awkwardness grew more and more between the two, unsure of what to do next.  Suddenly, the little girl stuck her arm out, the same one that had been injured.  "I'm Y/N."

He looked at her as if he had never seen another human.  Slowly reaching out, he took her hand and shook it, returning the welcoming gesture. "Daryl."

When it was up to us to save the neighbors' cat-(8)

They stood there, necks craned up to the air in search of Mrs. Tylers' cat Cooper.  The blinding sun nearly fried their eye sockets, but the shady branches prevented any harm.

"Is that him?" She shouted, pointing to a random spot in the tree.

"Nah, just a damn squirrel." He said, his hand over his eyes acting as a visor.  She turned and smacked his arm, earning a shriek from him. "What'd ya do that for?!" He said, rubbing the tender spot.

"Watch your language! My mama told me that's a bad one." Standing firm in her spot, she continued staring aimlessly into the tree, hoping to catch a glimpse of orange fur.

"Is not! Beavers build em." He said, attempting to cover up his swear. 

After a few minutes of looking, he lightly smacked her, getting her attention almost instantly.  She looked to where he was pointing and saw an orange tabby calmly lying across one of the lowest branches. "Come down Cooper!" She yelled with all of her strength. He shushed her just after, getting a confused glance in return.

"Great, see whatcha did? Now it's gonna be harder." He said as they watched the cat scale the tree until it stopped on a branch higher than the last one. He walked to the tree, gripping one branch at a time until he gathered enough confidence to progress. Climbing about halfway to the cat, she stormed up to the tree and began to climb as well.  "No! Don't follow me!" He yelled from up above.

"Why not?"

"Cause then I'm gonna have to come down there and save your ass." He said, climbing even higher.  She backed down and stood at the roots, crossing her arms in wait for Daryl to get back.

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