Together (1) (Daryl/AU)

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- Imagine: They were tired of the way their lives were going and needed to get away from it all. Christina and Daryl, two best friends escape their past and plan for a future.

I couldn't rip the sheets back fast enough. Nearly rolling out of bed, I kneeled down and pulled the duffel bag out from under the wooden frame. This was it. I was outta here.

Dealing with my family and school pushed me enough to do this, but the thrill of adventure took it all the way from there.

Practically ripping shirts off of hangers, one by one they fell in or onto the collapsed duffel pushed off to the side. I rushed as fast as I could to get everything ready.

The excessive racket stirred curiosity from the outside of my door. The hallway light flicked on and I could hear the door handle jiggle, sending fear to my very core. In a swift movement, I yanked the pull cord on my closet lamp and bolted back to my bed, pulling the sheets up over my head.

The door opened, letting light hit the wall I faced away from the door. I slammed my eyes shut even though they faced away from whoever it was at the door and tried to steady my breathing. The longer they stood there the harder it was to keep the act alive. I silently cursed whoever was there delaying my departure.

All of a sudden I felt a small dip in the bed behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Abby sit up and stare at me with her big dark brown eyes.

"Abagail what are you doing up?" I asked my little sister. She fiddled with her fingers for a second before speaking up.

"I heard sound. What, what are you doing?" Her small and tired voice asked. She rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands and lazily searched my face for an answer.

"You were probably dreaming, want me to take you back to bed?" She nodded and outstretched her arms for me to carry her back. Picking her up, she put her chin on my shoulder and looked around as I carried her out.

"Why are you packing?" She suddenly asked. I hesitated, thinking of the best way to break the news to a five year old. I put her down on her bed and crouched down to her level.

"I'm gonna go for a while," I started to say, hearing the whine in her voice signaling she was ready to burst into tears, I quickly interrupted. "But, I promise I will be back. It'll seem like I never left!" She still had the sorrow expression and tears in her eyes but she died down on the noise. "But you can't tell Mom and Dad okay?"

"Why not?"  I pondered for a minute until an idea popped into my head.

"It's a secret. You gotta promise me you won't say a word." I held out my pinkie for her to take. Pinkie promises were just as real to her as signing your soul over. She took them very seriously, and you could always count on the innocence of a five year old to keep her promises under lock and key.

She paused for a second until her tiny finger squeezed mine. "When are you coming home?"

"Not sure, but don't worry about me okay?" She nodded and grinned when I quickly walked over and kissed her all over her face, getting a giggle to rise out of her. She wrapped her small arms around my neck, pulling me down until I removed them.

Locking my door for the time being, I finished packing and barely zipped the bag shut. I threw on a pair of jeans, a long sleeve shirt and my sneakers. Taking one last look around my room, I tossed the bag over my shoulder, almost pulling me to the floor and opened my window. Just before I left, I ran to my desk and scribbled on a pice of paper, setting it on my bed. Letting them know I loved them all. Making one last go around, making sure I didn't forget anything, I unlocked my bedroom door and made my way back to the window.

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