Against the World (1) (Daryl)

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Hey everyone! This imagine was requested by JeenaShirkeyXO it is going to be a long Imagine so be prepared! If you have any request for Daryl (Norman etc.), Rick, Carl or Glenn imagines be sure to message them to me!

Hope you all enjoy! Thanks for reading! :)

- Imagine: While roaming the streets of Atlanta in search for Merle Dixon, Y/N, Daryl, T-Dog, Glenn and Rick all group together.      Y/N and Daryl never got along as much to begin with. Over the course of time and a series of events things start to change.

"Y/N c'mon! We gotta go!" I heard Daryl yell from the stairwell leading to the store at the bottom of the building. T-Dog, Glenn, Daryl, me and that new guy who I think is named.. Rick? Are all in search of Daryl's asinine brother Merle. The other half to the Dixon family name. Not that the younger generation was all that either.

"Don't make me drag yer ass down here!"

"I'm coming!" I yelled from the ledge of the roof. I overlooked the streets below and saw the walkers crowd the front entrance of the store. I cursed under my breath and darted for the stairs, hoping we still had enough time to make it out of here in one piece.

I ran down the stairs two at a time, cautiously watching my step so I wouldn't trip and break my neck. When I made it to the bottom I felt someone grab my forearm and pull me to the side. Brushing my hair out of the way, I saw Daryl look at me with anger evident in his facial features.

"The hell took you so long?!"

"Chill would ya? I was looking for another way out."

"We coulda been outta here already if ya hurried up!"

"Blame it on me like everything else, go ahead. See where that gets us." I ended with and pushed past him, knocking him back a bit in the process. My blood was boiling but I had to focus on the task at hand. This was the usual conversation for Daryl and I. He either picked on me as if I was some little kid or straight up treated me like trash. I met him only a month ago and I feel as though I've known the group my entire life. That how the apocalypse changes people. I would normally be isolated in my room watching movies, reading or whatever else. I wasn't a very social person, but life had other plans for me instead of being a recluse forever. I just didn't think that reanimated corpses would change my life.

Daryl and I made it into the shop and didn't see the Glenn, T-Dog or Rick anywhere. I looked to the glass doors only to see it plastered with walkers desperately trying to break through.

"Dammit!" Daryl yelled.

"Do you really have to yell? There's already a herd of walkers after us, don't have to draw any more attention." He shot me a glare and stormed up to me, getting in my face.

"What do you want from me girl?!"

"I want you to stop acting like a dumbass and work with me for once!" I yelled, pushing him away from me.

"Guys! In here!" T-Dog signaled us into an office-type room where Rick and Glenn sat on the floor in the corner with a map drawn out on the floor in chalk and scattered office supplies on the floor.

"Okay, so I'll run to get the guns, you and T-Dog wait for me here, while Y/N and Daryl wait down this alley way. Glenn said as he pointed all over the makeshift map that was drawn out.

"Wait, why do we have to wait here?" I asked.

"If walkers block my way to T-Dog and Rick, at least I'll have another route to you and Daryl." I nodded in response and sat back against the desk that T-Dog and Daryl leaned against.

"Hey kid, what'd you do. Before all this?" Daryl asked Glenn.

"Delivered pizzas... Why?" He asked. Daryl nodded and looked to Rick who also nodded.


Daryl and I waited in the alley way just as Glenn said to do. Rick was to give us a signal if they had already got Glenn and the guns, signaling that it was time to go.

I walked down the alley and kicked a few cans around, occupying my time. Daryl fiddled with his crossbow and sat against the brick wall, watching the stray walkers limp around the streets. I rounded a corner and was met face to face with a boy who looked no older than 17. He looked to be in a hurry, but wasted no time in making sure I was out of the way. I was ready to tell to Daryl, until he pulled a gun on me and fired. The bullet grazed my hip and sent me to the ground.

"Hey!" Daryl yelled in his deep voice, getting the kids attention. The moment he looked to Daryl, he was met with the butt of a crossbow. The kid was whining and holding his nose, scrambling to get away from us.

"You Okay?" Daryl asked me as he sat to the side of me. He gripped the edge of my t-shirt and before doing anything looked to me for permission. I nodded yes whilst biting down on my lip so hard I thought I would draw blood. He rolled up my shirt just far enough so that you could see the wound.

"Not bad, you'll live." He said with a faint smirk, trying to lighten the mood. I winced in pain and tried to calm myself down. Daryl got up and turned to the kid who kept screaming someone's name over and over.

"Shut up!" Daryl yelled before tripping the kid, causing him to collapse to the ground. Where I lied, I saw two large men come from around the corner and run in Daryl's direction. I yelled for him to look, but it was too late. The two men started beating on Daryl. It got to the point where the violence was too much and Daryl fell to the ground. He covered his head, preventing any damage to his skull and waited for it to end. With what little energy I had left, I crawled across the ground to Daryl's crossbow and aimed at one of the men's backs. When I went to shoot, my balance was off and I ended up shooting one of them in the ass. He screamed and carried on, causing a few walkers to turn in our direction.

"Guys! what the-" Glenn rounded the corner and us all in a chaotic mess, beating up one another. He looked to me and saw the small pool of blood that formed beneath me and instantly freaked out.

"Grab him!" One of the men yelled, pointing at Glenn. He looked back to me with a panicked expression and hesitated whether leaving us or taking off. It took all of the energy I had, but I built up enough to yell for him to run. He took off around the corner, but was stopped by another large man. All of a sudden a car pulled up, the two men shoving Glenn in the back.

"Get her too!" The same man that yelled for them to take Glenn yelled for them to take me. I tried to shuffle away from them, but before I could get anywhere, one of the guys picked me up by my middle and dragged me to the car.

"Daryl!" I screamed. He was bruised and bloody, but managed to grab hold of my wrist and pull me down to him. The man ripped me away from Daryl and shoved me in the back of the car with Glenn. I looked past the man and saw Daryl's attempt to reach me, but just like that they slammed the door shut and sped off down the road.

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