Like a Saint (1) (Murphy)

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- Imagine: The Macmanus brothers and their close friend Y/N go out and drink. Y/N has always had a thing for Murphy, but becomes devastated seeing him talk to another girl.

As I lied on my makeshift bed on the opposite side of the room, my eyes darted across the pages, eager to finish what few pages I had left of this book. Each paragraph giving me something completely different. After reading the last couple words I slammed the book shut and chucked it at the front door. As the paperback fell to the floor the door creaked open, Connor looked down to he book and then glanced over to me.

"Well that's no way to treat a good book." He said nonchalantly. Tossing the book onto his mattress.

"She dies in the end?!" I said, my arms flailing to express my hatred.

"Never said it was a happy story."

"Never said it was a depressing one either." I said sitting up.

Ever since I met them, the Macmanus brothers have been nothing but saints to me. Four years later and here I am living with two strangers that took me off the streets. However, after four years i'd consider us family. Because I was a "lady" as Connor would say, they've treated me as though I was royalty all these years, sacrificing whatever they could to keep me happy. In no way am I considered high maintenance but that's not how they saw it.

The two walked in and collapsed onto each of their mattresses, hitting the floor hard with an audible thump. Murphy sat up and reached across to snatch the book that sat at the edge of Connors' bed. He looked at the cover and read the back as if it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Y/N!" Connor yelled.

"What?" I said as I snapped back to the present. Connor looked over and smirked at me while Murphys' attention was now on both of us. I could feel my cheeks getting warm each time his light blue eyes captured mine.

"I said are you ready to go?"

"Yes... Where are we going?" I said hoping the last part wasn't picked up as I merely whispered it.


"Oh!" I said standing up and grabbing my jacket from the hooks at the front door. "Ready!" They both stood up and gathered their things. I held the door open as Connor walked through. He patted my shoulder and continued through. I waited for Murphy to go next but he stopped and gestured for me to go first.

For the last few years, I've developed what I would call a slight crush over Murphy. His brother on the other hand thinks I've fallen madly in love with him. Not a day goes by where Connor doesn't try to meddle in some way. To my knowledge, Murphy knows nothing, however, whose to say his brother hasn't slipped and said something.

After taking the stairs down to the first floor, I rushed towards the front doors and pushed them open to feel the brisk air flood into the lobby. The snow hadn't fallen just yet, but the chilly wind felt as though it was about to.

Side by side, the three of us walked down the sidewalk to McGinty's. What was once the boys' favorite bar soon turned into mine as well, mainly because it's the only one I'd ever go to outside of the bars I knew way back when.

"You warm enough?" Murphy said next to me. I stuffed my hands deep down into my pockets and nodded whilst flashing a smirk that stretched across my face. Him returning one same as mine. Both Connor and Murphy had matching black pea coats while I had my thin dark red hoodie that I held onto for years. 

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