Broken (1) (Norman)

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Watching the clock each morning has become part of a routine. Seeing the bright red numbers flicker from one hour to the next seemed more entertaining than anything else at this point. Sleep wasn't an option anymore, so this was the next best thing.

Deciding to actually roll out of bed today, I shut the alarm off ten minutes before it's designated time and shuffled to the bathroom.

The hallway was pitch black, and my blurry vision didn't help my situation either. Somehow I managed to locate the light switch and bring blinding light into the bathroom.

The bright light caused my eyes to adjust almost immediately. The view before me was anything but satisfying. Hair tossed in a bun, baggy eyes and the look of an actual corpse greeted me in the mirror first thing.

Just like every morning I examined every flaw, every imperfection, and every inch of my body for a good while before I couldn't stand the sight anymore. I looked my body up and down seeing the discouraging and upsetting figure before me. As I did this, the comments I hear now and then roamed my mind as they always do.

"You're beautiful!"

"You are perfect just the way you are!"

"Everyone loves you!"

But they're just lies anyways. People being kind just to help me feel better about the sad vessel my life lives in.

In a quick motion, I smacked the light switch, causing the lights to go out all at once.

I stormed into my bedroom and noticed the time had gone by quicker than I thought. Muttering several profanities under my breath, I tackled my closet in search of my uniform.

As soon as I pulled my shirt up and over my head I walked across the room to find the missing sibling to my shoe. But before I could I caught my reflection in the standing mirror. My arms popped out of their sleeves, my thighs were too big, my stomach made me want to shave it off and sculpt every other area that needed fixing.

Blinking back whatever I had, I swiftly located my other shoe and jammed it on before running towards the front door.

Car keys, purse, wallet. I ran over everything I needed and before I hastily got in the car and sped off down the road.

Work was just a past time nowadays. Of course the money comes in handy for rent and other payments, but I spend my time people watching more than anything.

A tween and her friends roamed around the mall in right crop tops and skinny jeans, showing off their latest belly button piercings their parents will probably never know about. Their long, straight, dark brown and blonde hair bouncing with each step. They walked up to the counter and placed their order before turning around and laughing their heads off. Every now and then they glanced over their shoulder to catch me staring, but informed me mostly.

A group of pre-teen boys soon joined them as they all gawked over their features. It honestly made me want to vomit, but I couldn't help the tinge of jealousy I had knowing I never got the 'popular' experience.

I gave them their food and they left in a hurry. The rest of the afternoon was spent serving people of all sorts before my shift finally ended.

Once I plopped into my car I just about turned the key until I saw my phone light up on the passengers seat. I smirked seeing who was bored enough to text me before answering.

Norman Reedus ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now