Nothing Left (2)

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I awoke to the hot Georgia sun's rays shining down from above. I felt around and noticed that Daryl wasn't next to me. My initial reaction was that he went hunting, but something didn't seem right.

I heard faded talking coming from just up the road. Although I was exhausted, I couldn't really sleep in without hearing about it later.

As I shuffled down the road while trying my hardest to wake myself up, the voices grew more clear and distinct. I rounded the corner to see the group standing there talking to a lady on a horse. She was wearing a cowboy hat and looked to be in her twenties.

"Mommy!" I turned to see y/n/d dart in my direction. I met her halfway and gave her a big hug.

"Hi honey, what's going on?" I asked her.

"That's Maggie! She's really nice." She said the last part in a whisper, almost as if she didn't want anyone else to know.

"Maggie says her family owns a farm, just up the road. She said if we wanted, we could stay there for a bit." Rick said stepping next to me. My eyes lit up and I nodded immediately. Needless to say, that morning was spent packing up our supplies and heading to the farm. It took us a bit to get the RV up and moving, but luckily Dale had enough duck tape to patch it up for now.


Once we arrived at the farm, we met Maggie's family and discussed our living arrangements. They were very friendly and hospitable.

I was washing clothes with Carol and Lori during the afternoon, it was relaxing to do normal chores and just take in the scenery.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Daryl slowly sneak up behind me. Before he got the chance to surprise me, I turned around and threw a soaking wet shirt at him. He grabbed me and picked me up off of the stool I had been sitting in.

"Ladies," He said to Carol and Lori as he tossed me over his shoulder and headed towards his truck.

"How many times are you gonna hold me captive?" I asked.

"As many times as it takes."

Y/n/d ran over and was punching Daryl's leg with her tiny hands, trying to beat him up.

"What do we have here?" Daryl said as he put me down and picked her up instead. She was laughing uncontrollably and was begging for him to stop tickling her. "Tryin to beat up your old man?" He said. Her laughter was infectious because then I soon started to laugh at her predicament.

Once he stopped, she ran to me and hid behind my legs, still slightly laughing. He tried to get to her, but it eventually got to the point that she had nowhere to go and was stuck between Daryl and I.

We were starting to get tired, so I told her to go and play with Carl and Sophia.

"Damn I'm old." Daryl said leaning against the tree and watching y/n/d.

"So you're calling me old too, is that it?" He opened his mouth to respond, but then shrugged his shoulders. I punched him in the arm and leaned into him.

"Do you think we'll be able to live here?" I asked. He emitted a small grunt and shrugged his shoulders again.

It was getting late, and we all needed our rest after a day like today. The tents were set up, and we had a small campfire going. The sun was setting and it was close to dinner. Carol and Lori were preparing something as I went to go and get the kids.

"Y/n/d, Carl, Sophia! Dinner, cmon lets go!" I shouted in the direction they were playing in, only to not see them.

"Kids, cmon dinner!" I started to get a bit worried after not hearing a response.

"Carl?" Nothing,

"Sophia?" Nothing,

"Y/n/d?" Nothing.

My conscious was already thinking of several different scenarios of what could've happened or where they could be.

I rounded the corner of the house only to be met with Sophia and Carl panting and out of breath.

"Where have you been? I've been calling and calling you! Cmon, dinner's ready." I said, but then did a double take.

"Carl, Sophia.. Where's y/n/d?" They looked to each other and then back up to me with fear in their eyes.

"We, don't know." Carl said under his breath.

"What do you mean you don't know. Where is she!?" I said, my voice getting progressively louder.

"We were playing in the woods, and when we were done, we looked for her, but she was just gone." Sophia said.

My heart was beating a million miles a minute. I bolted back to the camp and practically tripped over myself doing so. Carl and Sophia followed after me.

"Daryl! Daryl!" I yelled. The group all turned their heads at me and I saw as concern grew more and more on each of their expressions. Carl ran into Lori's arms just as Sophia did to Carol. Daryl leaped out of his seat and came over to me.

"Y/n what's wrong, where's y/n/d?" He asked. I shook my head and tried to choke out the words to say, but Carl beat me to it.

"We were playing and she just disappeared."

"Where." Daryl asked.

"In the woods, behind Hershel's house." Carl finished. Within seconds, Daryl grabbed his crossbow and assembled Rick, Shane, Glenn and T-Dog to follow. I gripped onto Daryl's arm and gave him a reassuring look, telling him to be safe and bring her back. He nodded and headed towards the woods, followed by the others.

Lori and Carol came to my side as I practically collapsed in fear.

"Cmon, you need to eat." Lori said sitting me down next to her. Carol came by with a small bowl of whatever meat it was that Daryl caught that day. I shoved it away and held my head in my hands. All I wanted was my daughter back, safe and sound, in Mine and Daryl's arms.

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