Run Away (1) (Daryl)

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- Imagine: Since the fall of the prison, Beth and Daryl haven't seen eye to eye. Arguing on almost everything. When Daryl's anger rises and he oversteps, Beth goes her own way.

-Beth's POV-

"Slow down!"

"Keep up." Daryl said keeping the pace he was at. I struggled behind him while dragging a bag of supplies around. He carried his crossbow and two other bags with him, yet he was still faster than me.

Ever since the prison, he hasn't been the most talkative of people. Every day, one or two word answers. I'd be lucky if I could get a sentence out of him every now and then.

We walked a ways before finding an abandoned clubhouse. We walked up the porch steps cautiously before even considering barging into the place. I didn't these any walkers so I pushed forward thinking it was clear. Walking up to the door, Daryl practically threw his arm out in front of me to keep me from reaching the door knob.


"Tryin to get yourself killed? What's the matter with you?" He said as if  I had been doing this for the first time.

"It's fine! See?" I said opening the door despite what he thought. All of a sudden a walker bust out of the shadows and latched onto me. I tried my best to break free of its grasp, but the grip was too strong. I tripped over a wooden plank that was slightly raised from the porch floor and fell to the ground. My knife was no where to be found, and I had little to know options left. Before I could even act upon anything, Daryl send an arrow straight through the walkers brain. The top of the arrow met my face just inches away. Daryl shoved the Walker to the side and looked at me as if I was as stupid as they come.

"Thanks." I said. He ignored me and continued forward into the clubhouse. The main room was filled with random supplies left behind by people. Sleeping bags, cans and other essentials one would need in the apocalypse.  Daryl kicked some of the items to the side and cleared a path to walk on through the building.

"Gather some supplies, I'm gonna check the rest of the place."  He said. Before I could respond he made his way down the hallway out of sight. I kicked an empty can on the floor out of frustration and sat on the end of a cot that was destroyed over time. Looking around the room. All I saw was junk, junk and more junk. Everything was either thrown into one huge pile, or it was empty or useless.

After spending a good while sorting through the chaos that was this room. I took a break and sat back down on the same cot as before. Daryl was still off in the building somewhere, and I was left alone.

I glanced down to a corner of the room and found a small stuffed animal stuck under a sleeping bag and stay clothing. Taking it in my hands, I took the stuffed bear and dusted all of the soot off. One of the eyes was crooked, and some stuffing was out of place. But it was overall together. I put it in my bag along with the other supplies and kept looking.

"What are you doing?" Daryl said, coming out of nowhere.

"Gathering supplies, isn't that what you told me to do?" I said somewhat confused. He stuck his hand in the back and rummaged through the items before pulling the stuffed bear out. He examined it over and over and then tossed it to the side as if it was another piece of trash.

"What was that for?"

"Ain't nothing you're gonna do with a damn bear." He said in his gravelly tone.

"I figured I'd give it to Judith. She needed more toys anyways."

Daryl stopped his searching and stared straight ahead in the other direction. "She's gone."


"Judith, Carl, Rick, Glenn, Maggie, they're all dead." He said turning to me.

"No, they're not."

Daryl scoffed and continued looking for stuff. I picked the bear up and shoved it back in the bag.

"You're just collecting useless stuff." He said trying to convince me once more.

"Believe what you want, I know they're alive. You do too. You just refuse to see it." I said picking the bag up and throwing it over my shoulder. It's weight was heavy enough to pull me down, but I wouldn't let it.

"Where you going?" He asked.

"Why do you care?" I said walking out the door. Before I made it down the porch steps, I felt Daryl grab my arm and hold me back.

"I asked you a question."

"And I answered." I said ripping my arm from his grasp. He latched onto my arm again and ended up spinning me around to face him.

"Don't you walk away from me!"

"What the hell is your problem! I haven't done anything to you! I get it, the prison, the people, it meant a lot to you. But I know they're not dead, why is is so hard for you to see that?" I said. Taken back by my outburst, Daryl didn't respond until moments after I started to walk away.

"So you think you Dad's alive?" stopping in my tracks, I froze at his words. I didn't have to say anything for him to quickly realize what he had just said, and how it hurt. "Beth, I didn't mean to-" Daryl said reaching out and placing his hand on my upper arm. I yanked it away and left his hand in mid air.

"You'll regret you ever said that." I said while storming off in the other direction. "I'll be gone someday." I said shouting from over my shoulder.

"Stop-" Daryl started to say before I cut him off.

"I will."And you're gonna miss me so bad when I'm gone Daryl Dixon." I finished saying before picking up the pace and making myself hidden beyond the trees. The sounds of walkers started to grow as I rustled through the leaves that coated the Forrest floor. I could hear Daryl call for me, but I kept going.

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