Find Your Way Back Home (1) (Daryl)

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- Imagine: Glenn and Y/N leave on a supply trip. Daryl hesitant about letting her go from the moment she said bye to him. When Glenn gets separated from her by a herd of walkers, he has no choice but to go back to the farm. Only to find Daryl wondering where she is.

"Are you sure?" Daryl said as he watched me pack up my bag to take on the run.

"Yes I'm sure. I wouldn't be going out there if I wasn't." He looked at me with regret, as if he was hesitant on me leaving. "Plus, Glenn is going with me, I won't be alone so you have nothing to worry about." I said to him trying to make him feel more at ease. He bit his lip slightl and nodded in agreement.

"Y/N, you ready to go?" Glenn said whipping his head around the corner into the room Daryl and I were in. Daryl glared at him, causing Glenn to shrink down and back away. "I'll just, give you guys a minute." He nodded and left.

"You really should be easier on him. He's not a little kid Daryl." He blew off what I said and wrapped his arms around me hoping I would just drop it.

"Why don't I just go with you? That way I know you'd be safe."

"Because, you just impaled yourself with one of your own arrows and fell down a cliff. Plus you have stitches that you can't tear. You need to trust me, I'll be okay!" I said once more. Daryl let what I said roll off of his shoulders and he walked out to where the group was. I picked up my bag and followed behind him.

"Okay, stay close to the farm, and be careful. You sure you two are okay by yourselves?" Rick said handing Glenn a map.

"We'll be alright." Glenn said. He looked to me and nodded in the direction of the road leading out of Hershel's farm. "Ready?"

"Yeah, let's go." I said trailing beside him. Before I could walk too far, I felt someone pull me back only to find out that it was Daryl. He gave me one last kiss goodbye, as if I would never see him again.  "Where did that come from?"

He looked at me as though he had seen me for the first time. Holding me in his arms, he smirked and planted a kiss on my forehead. He pulled away and held my hand until I walked away and our hands dangled from our fingers. It remained this way until I walked far enough away for our hands to drop completely. I looked behind me to see him still standing there.

"It's getting late, shouldn't we start heading back?" Glenn said.

"No way! We have all this stuff and we have a whole over building to loot!"

"We can come back tomorrow! It's not like the building is going anywhere."

"Do you really think they'll let us go out again tomorrow? Rather, do you really think Daryl will let me go out again?" I said as I packed my bag with more and more items that can be deemed as useful.

"I'll talk to Rick about it, but right now we gotta go." He said looking towards the door we barricaded. Through the small window there were hands grasping at the door and bodies pushing against it trying to bust their way through. I grabbed all I could and ran to the window with Glenn close behind. He jumped out onto the roof first and helped me out of the window. Tossing the heavy bag over my shoulder, we made our way out of the building complex into the woods, hidden from the walkers that infested the area.

We walked along the side of the road, desperate to stumble upon the pathway leading back to the farm.  Nightfall had just begun, so there was no chance of the sun showing up soon. The only light we could use was the moonlight that was provided.

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