Welcome Back (1) (Group/Daryl)

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This story is based off of a personalized request! Mainly revolves around the group but has hints of Daryl as well!

"You're with us now, Let's go." He said to me while walkers scattered the area. I didn't know who this man was, or what he was like, but at that point I didn't have any weapons and had little to no food. Anyone that didn't come across as a threat was a friendly face to me. Because I was very accepting, my brother always lectured me on people, who and who not to trust.

Although things have been rough every now and then, the Saviors were all decent. Some more than others came across harsh and obnoxious, but the ones that weren't were the ones I stuck to.

"Scarlet, Negan wants you." Dwight said while leaning in the doorway. From the moment I met him That day he found me, I knew he had a soft side, it took forever to find but I eventually got there.

Creasing the page on my book and putting it down, I walked alongside Dwight down the hallway. "So what is it he wants anyway?"

"Got a new inmate, can't crack him."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"Not to be harsh but, have you met you? You're kind of like a dog."

Taken back but also curious I looked back and shot a confused expression. "How so?"

"Everyone you meet is a new friend, you're happy to everything and everyone."

"That still doesn't explain why he needs-" I started until being cut off when rounding the corner and walking into the room. "Me."

"There she is! How's my girl doing?" Negan said with a large smile on his face. Looking back to Dwight for reassurance, he stayed clear and listened in on the conversation.

"I figured you'd like to meet our new friend here!" He said while slinging an arm around my shoulder. Steering me a ways until we reached the infirmary, Negan whistled his usual tune and nearly shoved me forward. "This here, is." He stopped for a moment before looking around to find the doctor. The moment I stepped into the room the prisoner set his eyes on me. Every few seconds he'd look away and then back again, whereas I never broke eye contact. Something about him seemed.. safe? If that's what one could say in this situation. His whole attitude put up a brave front, but I could see he wasn't all there. "The hell's his name doc?" Negan spoke whilst strolling back in with the doctor.

"It's," he glanced down, measuring and tampering with bottles and needles and other medical supplies at the counter. "Daryl.. Yeah, Daryl." Negan laughed in response and walked past me to Daryl who sat at the end of the table.

"Piece of shit if I ever saw one." He said while leaning in close. Making sure he heard him.

"Leave him alone." I uttered under my breath. However both of them heard, their focus now solely set on me.

No one liked it when Negan got angry, especially with that bat dangling between his fingers. Biting his tongue with a smile, he strolled over and faced the doorway, stopping right next to me. "That's two, three strikes-" he said while suddenly grabbing the bat, making me jump a little. "-and you're out." With that, he walked out the door and down the hallway with Dwight next to him. Dwight looked over his shoulder to me but shrugged slightly, not sure of how to help.

Once they were both out of sight, I looked back to the situation at hand, seeing the Doctor examine Daryl, poking and prodding him with every needle that was placed before him. Not once did the newcomer flinch, test after test he focused on a small spot on the floor, blocking everything around him.

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