Against the World (2)

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My vision was hazy, everything was moving so fast. The last thing I saw before they put the sack over my head was Daryl about to pull me out of the car. We sped off down the road and I couldn't be more panicked. My breathing quickened, and I was at a loss of breath.

"Y/N! Y/N! Breathe! Just, breathe. Okay? It's okay, we're okay." Glenn said trying to comfort me. He too had a sack over his head and his hands bound behind his back. His words brought me down from my panicked state and allowed me to actually get a ahold of myself. The guy that sat next to us didn't say a word, he just sat there and blocked us out. Probably hoping to get back to their camp as soon as possible.

After what felt like an hour, the car pulled off to the side and was brought to a stop. The two in the front got out and opened the doors to the back where Glenn and I sat. I heard one of them grab Glenn, just as I was about to yell, one of them grabbed me and pulled me out of the car.

Me, Glenn and the other guys that were in the car with us all made our way to somewhere away from the car... Far away. I had to constantly shuffle my feet across the ground so I wouldn't trip over anything.
"Move it!" The guy that had a grip on me nudged me forward, making me move quicker.

I was brought down to my knees, it was dead silent. No one was speaking. I heard Glenn's heavy breathing  next to me, other than that it was nothing.

All of a sudden the bag was ripped off of both Glenn and I's heads. It took us a minute to adjust to the lighting, but after that we looked up to see a man with a striped shirt and looked to be Hispanic. Behind him were several other men, all not looking too friendly.

"So, one of my men was taken by yours, and another got an arrow in the ass. Got somethin' to say?" The guy said. Glenn and I looked at each other and didn't say anything. The man before us nodded to his men. They bagged us over the head, bound our wrists behind our backs again, and rushed us out of the garage it looks as though we were in. My kicking and screaming was no use due to the men's tall and strong build. It was hopeless.

""Where'd they take 'em, huh?!" Daryl said while shoving the young kid up against the wall. The boy was terrified and wouldn't speak.

"Daryl, back up. It's no use." Rick said trying to cam him down, but this only pissed him off more. He looked to the bag Glenn had dropped and opened the pocket and grabbed the bandanna that swaddled Merle's hand.

"Wanna see what happened to the last guy to piss me off?" With that, he tossed the hand into the kids lap. He freaked out, stumbling out of the chair he sat in and onto the floor.

"Yo what the hell?! Not cool!" The kid yelled.

"You tell us where are people are. Right, now." Rick said staring right at him. The kid looked from Rick to Daryl and immediately darted his vision off to the side.

"Guillermo, he's the one you want." Rick nodded in response and looked back to me.

"T-dog, pull up a map." I passed Daryl and went to dig through Glenn's bag for a map. Looks like we might finally get some answers.


Alone in a room, The only thing occupying Glenn and I was empty silence in the air. Not a sound to be heard, no idea what was going on.

All I do know, is that Glenn and I were seated back to back on the floor. He would try to devise a plan on getting us out of here, but it was hard to hear him through the bags.

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