If That's What You Want (2)

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><><>< Beth's POV ><><><

I sat on the ground across from Daryl, it was pitch black and the only light we had was emanating from the fire before us. I occasionally looked up to see Daryl lost in the flames and keeping his thoughts to himself. I crossed my arms over my knees and kept quiet as well. Ever since Y/N left, he has been distancing further and further.

"We should get going." I said.

"Where're we gonna go?" Daryl replied in a low and dismal tone.

"Somewhere, anywhere but here."

Standing up, I ripped my knife out of the ground and stuffed it back into its sheath where it belonged. I looked to Daryl who's gaze was still set on the fire before him.

"Maybe we can catch up to Y/N.." I said under my breath. Apparently he heard because his automatic response to my statement was a scoff and a slight shake of his head in denial.

"She's made her choice, don't need us no more."

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I snapped. He glanced up for a moment but went back to his original place. I was getting really frustrated at this point.

"Fine, go ahead and play the pity card, not like she'll come rushing back to you."

"You don't know what the hell you're talkin' about!" He said standing up and chucking the rag he had sitting on his lap to the side.

"I know you like her Daryl! Don't act like you don't!" With that one comment, he went from being angry and unstable to calm and taken back. I could swear that I saw his cheeks turn the slightest shade of red.

"I'm right, aren't I?" He looked all around before answering, as if the answer was somewhere stuck in a tree.

"So what?"

"So you're just gonna let her run off? What if she's in trouble? What if she needs us?" He looked to the ground and bit the edge of his thumbnail in thought.

"Daryl, what is she needs you?" His gaze snapped up to me. Right there is when I knew, I had him. He snatched his crossbow off of the ground and stomped out the fire. He adjusted it on his back to sit more comfortably and brushed past me, knocking me back a bit in the process.

"Doubt it." He said under his breath. I gathered up our bags and followed after him, seeing as though he was hot on her trail.

><><>< Y/N's POV ><><><

I've been walking down this barren road for God knows how long. Nothing familiar in sight, everything just looks the same both up and down the road. Trees one each side of the path and nothing but the asphalt guiding me down the way.

Every so often my mind would run back to Daryl and Beth. Was it selfish that I left them by themselves? Beth looked horrified when I said I was leaving, and Daryl didn't seem to care. He's strong enough to last out there, why should I be worried? But there was that little voice in the back of my head that was practically screaming 'you're wrong! You're wrong!'

Ive been kicking the same rock down the road for what feels like decades, but it's the only thing keeping me from dying of boredom. The front of my boots were all scuffed up from the amount of walking I've done all throughout the apocalypse. With one good kick, I sent the rock flying down the path. As I watched it skid and hop down the road, my gaze fell upon a herd of walkers heading my way. The rock I kicked hit one of them in the leg and got its attention. I cursed under my breath and quickly tried to think of an escape plan.

I darted back down the road in hopes of finding somewhere to hide. My mind automatically went to the trees, but that was a trap waiting to happen. I ended up rushing into the woods, in hopes of losing them in the process.

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