Smile (1) (Norman)

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- Imagine: Y/N taking several pictures and keeping them in secrecy until Norman finds her camera.

"Norman!" I said, surprising him, causing him to turn around. At first he didn't know where he was looking until seconds later he was blinded by the flash of the camera going off.  He jumped a little and slammed his eyes shut due to being startled, but luckily I snapped the picture just before.

"Jesus Y/N." He said. Happy with myself, I scrolled through the pictures on my camera, seeing all of the memories that made my day, every day. "You and that damn camera I swear."

After deleting a few repeats and tweaking a few photos I shoved my small camera back into my pocket and walked alongside Norman.  "Why did I even buy you that thing?" He said looking at me through his sunglasses.

"I begged you for one."

"Oh yeah, that's right... For nearly a year." He said trailing off at the end.  Although he looked straight ahead, I glared at him until he felt the weight I was putting on him with my stare. Taking my hand in his, he picked up my hand and left a kiss while still refusing to make eye contact. "I'm just kidding, I'm glad you like it." He said attempting to reassure me. "But is everything that interesting that you have to take pictures all the time?"

I thought to myself, thinking of all the pictures that were stored on my camera. Nodding, I smiled and patted the pocket that my camera sat in. Norman shook his head and replied with "whatever."

After spending nearly all day walking around the city, we were exhausted. It was late at night, and I barely had enough energy to stumble through the doorway. Norman crashed on the couch and kicked his shoes off, while I found enough energy to make it to the kitchen counter and set my bag down. Taking everything out of my pockets and removing all of my jewelry, I set it on the counter to deal with later.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I said over the sound of the tv playing peeking over the couch I saw Normans' hat tilted down so it covered his vision. Odds are he was probably asleep, and i'd have to wake his ass up to get him to bed. 

Taking all of my mental and physical effort, I walked to the bedroom and kicked my shoes off in the corner. My feet, and legs ached and all I wanted to do was crash and sleep the rest of the night away.

Walking out into the cold air that spiked all of my senses, I was tempted to run back into the hot water, but ultimately sucked it up and ripped it off like a bandaid, running across the room in a towel to grab a t-shirt and shorts.  My hair was still soaking wet, dripping all across the floor. Taking the towel I had on previously, I dried my hair to the best of my ability.

I looked to the alarm clock that rested on the nightstand to see it was 11:36. My mind took a second to comprehend before actually registering the time.
Norman wasn't in bed, which meant that he was definitely passed out on the couch.

I stumbled down the hallway, rubbing my eyes and ready to curl up in a ball on the floor. Expecting to see Norman fast asleep on the couch, I was surprised to see him sitting up, the way his head was it seemed like he was looking down at something. Since his back was facing me, I slowly creeped up behind him to peek at what he was looking at on his phone. Most likely on Twitter or playing Candy Crush.

Upon looking over his shoulder, I saw that it wasn't his phone, but my camera he was staring so intently at. Glancing up to the kitchen counter to do a double take, I saw Norman shuffling through all of the pictures that were on my camera. Pictures of him at conventions interacting with fans, some of his friends and fellow co-workers, and even just random times when we would be out and I was able to snap a picture without him noticing.

Stretching my hand over the couch, I snatched the camera from his grasp and stepped back a bit, knowing he would try to snatch it back.

"Hey!" He said standing up and looking back at me.

"What are you doing?"

"I was just, looking." He said hesitating on the last word.  I nodded and bit my lip, watching him try to play off this lie to the best of his ability.

"You know for an actor you're not very good at acting." I said. He smirked and stepped closer, wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on the top of my head. "You're not mad?" I said. He pulled away slightly, his focus on me but his arms still holding me in place.

"Mad? Why would I be mad?"

"You always complain of all the pictures I take, and I didn't know if you would get annoyed of all the ones I have on there." I said, hoping he wouldn't get defensive.

Smirking even more, he pulled me closer and planted a kiss before somehow sneaking the camera back into his grasp.

"These," he said while waving the camera around. "Are all memories I never want to forget."

A smile stretched across my face, making both him  and I happy at the same time.

After sitting on the couch, going through each picture in my camera and reminiscing over which each one symbolized, I let out a yawn and rested my head on Normans' shoulder.

"Alright cmon." He said getting up. I groaned when he moved, but saw him hold his arms out to help me up off the couch. I took his offer and was lifted off of the couch in one swift motion.

I slowly made my way down the hallway and started to push on the bedroom door before hearing my name being called.

"Hey Y/N!" Norman said at the end of the hallway. I turned around and was met with an almost blinding flash that caught me off-guard. Blinking repeatedly, I regained my eyesight to see the man behind the camera smirk like crazy while looking at the picture he just took.  "That's a keeper." He said glancing up to me and then back the camera.

"No way in hell!"

"Nope, can't touch this one. It's miiine." He said stretching the last word. I grabbed my camera back and placed it on the nightstand.  Leaving it there for tomorrow's memories.

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