I'll Be Home (1) (Norman)

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Hey guys, from now on I'll probably be using actual names instead of Y/N. It just makes the story a little more believable you know? If you have any suggestions for names I should use, leave them in the comments! :)
- Imagine: Kate has been waiting what seems like forever for her boyfriend to come home. When she doesn't get a response from him after he boarded his flight, she starts to worry.

Excitement coursed through my body the closer and closer we got to the airport. My Mom, Dad and Brother came to pick Norman up with me.  It's been three months since I've last seen him, what with the show being at its high, time was crucial for filming.

Since it's December, that means everyone comes home for the holidays. We've been texting nonstop for the time he's been away, and the overwhelming feeling of him being home again put me back in the Christmas spirit.

"Honey what time is he supposed to land again?" My mother said from the back seat.

"He said it may vary with the weather."

"Can't you just ask where he is?" Said my brother Tyler.

"His phone's been shut off since he was getting on the flight. Said he'd call as soon as he landed." The concern in their voices didn't worry me in the slightest, the excitement numbed me from any sort of anxiety or sadness. "Well let's just go and wait in the airport just in case." I said as I started to get out of the car.

My Dad reached across the center console and closed my door. "Kate I know you're excited to see him but we have to wait here okay?" I sighed and looked out my window, watching each person walk out from the airport and greet their loved ones. Every time a plane would land a mass of people would come out at once. My curiosity getting the best of me as I attempted to stretch and see over the hoards of people.

It's been nearly an hour and I couldn't sit here anymore. My stomach was churning and my heart was racing. I couldn't handle being trapped in the passenger seat of this car any longer.

"I'm gonna get out and find a restroom"  I said as I quickly got out and shut the door while speeding towards the front entrance.

"Kate! Wait up!" I heard my little brother's voice shout from the other side of the street. I stopped in my tracks and waited for him to stand at my side.

"I'm not actually using the bathroom so if you gotta go best of luck to you in finding it."

"Are you kidding? I don't want to sit in the car either." He said with a small smirk.

We walked through the airport and ended up finding two chairs next to each other that were conveniently stationed next to the exit Norman was supposed to go through.

Sitting there for about an hour, I constantly checked my phone, hoping to see some sort of notification from Norman.

"I'm bored." Tyler said, fiddling with the zipper to his jacket. I jammed my hand in my pocket and fished around until I pulled out a ten and shoved it at him.

"Go crazy." His eyes lit up and just like that he was out of sight.

Two and a half hours later and it was almost ten thirty at night. I tapped my foot against the waxed floor and let out deep breaths while trying to calm my nerves that were steadily rising by the minute. Not having any contact or feedback can mean several things, his flight could've gotten delayed, he was still on his way here, or the unthinkable.

Looking around the airport I tried to take my mind off of things by people watching. Seeing people coming through the gate and running to their loved ones gave off good vibes all around. Children hugging their fathers and college students greeting their families around the huge Christmas tree that was placed smack in the middle of the floor was priceless to watch.

I glanced to my left to see Tyler wearing tacky plastic shades as he was heating a slim Jim and toying with a rubix cube.  "He's fine Kate." He spoke up without looking in my direction.

"And how do you know that?"

"Because for the three years I've known him, he would do anything to get back to you." My brother spoke with such wisdom. "Especially since it's a holiday."

I ruffled the mop of hair that was on his head and continued talking with him for the next hour.

Eleven thirty and my thoughts wandered as to where he could be. My parents soon realized after we had entered the airport that we weren't looking for a bathroom, and decided to join us. It was at this point my excitement died to a dull state, and my concern was higher than ever.

I lied down across the seats and rested my head on my mothers' lap as she stroked the hair out of my face. "Baby don't be upset. I'm sure there was a slight delay, he'll be home soon." She spoke softly as a tear barely escaped my eye  before I could wipe it away as fast as it fell.

The airport emptied over time, and the only ones' waiting were the stranglers that either had a flight to catch or were too waiting for someone.

We all sat around and spoke of other things until Tyler started vigorously shaking my leg to grab my attention. "What?!" I snapped at him. He pointed towards the gate and stared at whatever he was focused on. Soon my parents took notice, causing me to quickly sit up and look in the same direction.

It was almost instant that our eyes found each other, Norman stood to the side of the gate with a duffel bag and a jacket in his hand.  His eyes never left me as I quickly stood to my feet and began to run at him. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I collided into him. His hands gripped the back of my hoodie as he lifted me slightly off the ground to where I was barely touching the floor with my toes. He kissed me on the cheek as though it had been years since we last saw each other.

"I missed you so much, I-I didn't know where you were, I didn't know how to reach you and-" I rambled on before he stopped me midway by smothering me with a long overdue kiss.

Before we broke apart I felt him push something into my hands and hold it with my hands wrapped around it and his over mine.  He pulled away and looked down before looking and focusing back onto my eyes.

His warm hands fell to his sides, leaving me with the small velvet cube that sat in my hands. My head snapped up with tears in my eyes to see a large smirk spread across his face.

"Merry Christmas" he said before kissing my forehead and slipping the ring onto my finger, starting the begging to the rest of our lives and making this the best Christmas ever.


Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, and holiday!

Love you all! :)

Norman Reedus ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now