Remember You (Daryl) (1)

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-Daryl's POV-

"Seriously why do you take so many pictures?" I asked her as she sat on the floor rummaging through a small pile of polaroids on the floor.  Once Maggie said she could have it, Y/N has been taking pictures of practically everything.

"So we can remember! Don't you want to look back and reminisce on all the good times?" She said looking over her shoulder back at me.  I scoffed and stood up, letting her do her thing.

"Ain't nothing worth remembering anymore." I said and left the room. Before I turned the corner I glanced back to see her bubbly personality slowly deteriorate. She set the pictures down and leaned against the back of the couch, surveying over the scattered pictures on the floor. She thought for a moment then  smirked and went right back to sorting and writing on the backs of them.
"Get that damned thing outta my face!" I shouted at her. She immediately brought the camera down and took a couple steps back, frightened by my outburst. I went to fix what I said but before I could get a word out she hastily walked out of the cell block and into the courtyard.
"Pleeease?" She begged. Judith sat on the floor, content with the random objects scattered around her. I sat on the cot against the wall chipping away at a bolt watching y/n's desperate attempt to snap a picture of her. She sat back on her legs and sighed, thinking of ways to get her attention.

I made a sharp whistle to grab her attention. Reaching into my back pocket I grabbed the keys to my motorcycle and tossed them her way. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she quickly inched closer to Judith, shaking the keys and grabbing her attention for a mere second. "Yes!" She quietly cheered seeing the developing picture of the lil asskicker smiling.
Everyone sat around the room, everyone was silent and no one dared to speak up. Everyone was still shaken up over her death. All of a sudden Carl came downstairs carrying a large box that seemed to weight him down just a hair. He slammed it on the floor, the loud thud catching everyone's attention. He opened the box and sat down pulling out pictures upon pictures from inside, smiling every now and again.

Two hours later and everyone was laughing and joking looking back on the faded memories. The ones that formed in a pile from already being looked at I took and began to look through them. Right off the bat I let out a small laugh seeing the first picture of Michonne aiming her katana at the camera.

 Right off the bat I let out a small laugh seeing the first picture of Michonne aiming her katana at the camera

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"Take one more picture I dare you." Was scribbled on the back in her handwriting.

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