Need You Now (1) (Norman)

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- Imagine: Norman and Y/N have always had a tight relationship, but some things are kept hidden. He knows of her abusive relationship, but she refuses to dwell on it. One night he gets a call and knows exactly what's happened.

Warning: contains hints of physical abuse

"You need me, you call me. Got it"? He said over the phone, his voice coming out in various static patterns. The last part, emphasized.  Making sure I understood what he said. I thought nothing of it at the time, not even knowing as to why he brought it up in such a serious tone. Waving it off I wished him a goodnight and hung up the phone. Realizing now that was the biggest mistake I could have ever done.

I understood it now, the message he was trying to tell me? The sincerity coating his words, it all made sense.   The shattered mirror, the mess, the pain of it all. How it took me so long to notice, I'll never know.  The constant denying and sugar-coated stories, he knew. Norman knew. Everyone, knew. I must have been so blind as to see that.

The hardwood floor comforting my broken state as I watched him walk out the door. With nothing more than his keys and his wallet, he slammed the door behind him, leaving me like this.  I kept telling myself, it will get better.  This is just bad timing. He loves me.  And the biggest bluff of them all,  He would never do anything to hurt me.  Two years of this, and all it took was tonight to convince me.

My arms were covered in battle scars, bruised from the past as well as the present.  Reaching up to grab the armrest of a chair even required all physical effort. Blood stained not only the skin I had, but the clothes I wore just as much.  My face stained with tears I didn't know I had shed, and my body ached.

After about an hour of lying in the same spot, I found enough energy to hoist myself onto the couch. My arm dangled off the side, hovering over the sea of glass that coated the floor.

I glanced over to the side table where my phone sat, the screen shattered as well as the rest of the apartment.  Stretching over to grab it, my entire side started burning, remembering the overwhelming pain that erupted from my lower stomach. With just enough energy my fingers landed in the glass, pulling the phone nearly off the edge of the table.

I hesitated. Just as before, I hesitated.  My thumb hovered over the call button, waiting to dial the number that signaled help, a sign of security and safety.  The more I thought about it, the more I shied away from pressing the button. The only thought my mind went back to was what if he found out, what if he were to catch me, what if.  Everything I knew walked out the door, and here I was with the answer at my fingertips, but I was too terrified to go through with it.

I threw my phone to the other side of the room, if it wasn't broken yet nothing will break it now.  Landing on the floor with a loud smack, the overwhelming feeling of relief, guilt and fear flooded my senses.  A mix of good and bad, wrong and right swarmed my brain, filling my mind with several questions and no answers to satisfy them.

After an hour of complete silence, I heard footsteps outside the front door.  I tensed up, my breath stuck in my throat to prevent emitting the slightest noise. I feared for my life at this point. Moments later I heard the door being tampered with, only it wasn't my door. The neighbor across the way was just getting off of work, 7:30 on the dot every day. Letting all of my fear escape me yet again, I decided it was time to do what I should have done forever ago.

Crossing the room, I tiptoed through the maze of shattered glass and broken furniture that was thrown all about the room. Almost as a game one would play when they were little, even though this was all too real. The pain was evident and all over, but nothing I haven't dealt with before.

I managed to reach the corner where my phone sat, face down on the floor. Picking it up to only see a few new broken spots on the glass, I brushed all the excess dust and debris off of the front. Just as I opened the screen to call, I briefly hesitated. The same thoughts from before clouding my mind. All of the 'what ifs' blocking my way to freedom. In a split second my conscience made the decision for me and pressed the button. After the first two rings I put my phone up to my ear, still baffled that I was actually doing this.

"Hello"? I heard his voice on the other line. Starting to get choked up, I placed my hand over my mouth and started to get hysterical. Holding it back as best as I could, I cracked in some places, letting out an audible cry every now and then. His voice still lingered over the phone, the same static I knew all too well.

"N-Norman"? I said, trying my best to sound normal without completely breaking down through a phone call.

"Is everything okay? What's wrong?" He said, followed by more questions after that. The overwhelming concern coming from his end put me at ease. His voice calming me down through the poor connection. "Hello? Answer me-"

"I need you." I said just above a whisper, my voice cracking towards the end. Both ends went completely silent. Nothing was heard except slight static intercepting the call. It only took a few seconds for him to answer.

"I'm on my way." He said without delay. No questions, he didn't ask my why I needed him, or why I called him, but he knew.


Hey everyone, just wanted to say thanks for your feedback on the last thing I posted about 'warnings and summaries' I'm mainly going to stick with the warnings more than the summaries, mainly due to the surprise factor of what the imagine's about.  If it's a super long story, that is around 10+ pages then I'll add a summary just so it's not a time waster if the story is not your thing.

Also I'll be putting the name of the character in the title so you'll know who the story's about!

Thanks for leaving your input! Greatly appreciated! :)

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