Angel (1) (Daryl-AU)

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'If I could only just-' I thought as my fingers stretched out to grab the book on the far end of the bookshelf. Immediately I cursed myself for having put the book I knew I needed most on the highest platform in this house. Suddenly my footing slipped and I fell forward, my arm shoving all the books along with the red paperback onto the floor causing quite a noise. I jammed my eyes shut and counted in my head slowly.

'One.. two... three-'

"Y/N!" Right on cue.

"..yeah?" I asked as I pried one of my eyes open in fear.

"What was that?" My father said in his low yet calming tone. Even if he was upset about something it wasn't hard to find the sweetness in that man.

"Nothing?" I said, knowing that he wouldn't buy it, not even for a second. Heck, I know what happened and I didn't even believe myself.

Suddenly the sound of his boots making their way across the hard wood flooring sent me into a panic. I hopped off the stool and scooped up the paperback just before I darted to the kitchen. Rounding the corner I was met face to chest with my father. He jumped a little upon being startled but immediately settled into his lecture mode.

"Dad! What's up?" I said, stretching the biggest grin I could muster on my face. He sighed and shook his head just before ruffling the hair around on my head. Quickly I grabbed his arm and pushed it to the side. "Dad! My hair!" I whined as he chuckled.

"Go eat, 'almost time for school." He said softly and nodded his head in the direction of the kitchen. I stretched onto my toes and quickly pecked him on the cheek just before shuffling past him.

The days have been longer it seemed. Things haven't been the same since mom passed, nothing ever would be. But we were getting by. Me, Dad and my older brother Johnny managed on what we had and made the best of what we could do. Some days it feels like it jus time and my brother since Dad works so much. Today was an exception however, given it was the Fourth of July.

Johnny changed the most since her passing, and not for the better. He's always been a pain in the ass, but he been distant, quiet and has been hanging around his sleazy friends a lot more than usual.

I saw him sitting at the kitchen table staring at his plate before snapping his head up to me. I smiled and he offered a weak one in return.

One thing I do know about my brother is that he would never turn his back on family. That's not how he is.

Grabbing a pear I plopped in the seat next to him and stared at him while he stressed at me. Slowly taking a bite I never took my eyes off him.

"Why're you starting at me like that?" I asked bluntly. He snapped back into it as if he was in a trance. Quickly he grabbed his backpack and stormed out of the house. The screen door swaying back in the process. I was scared for him, but I had high hopes.

"Y/N!" My dad called from the other room.

'Please don't be about the books please don't be about the books' I thought over and over.

"On your way to class can you pick up a few things at the shop?"

I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding and reclined into my chair. "Sure!"

Gathering my things, I slipped my shoes on and snatched the list out of my fathers hand before waving him goodbye as I left.
Dusty shelves covered every aisle as the flickering light above me gave it it's all to hold on to the last bit of energy it held. This store wasn't the nicest, but the prices were nothing to complain about.

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