Nothing Left (4)

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As the afternoon passed by, Daryl calmed down and Shane had been guarding the barn. Everyone was on edge about the news Glenn shared with us this morning, and no one was talking.

"Are you okay?" He asked me as he rested his chin on the end of his crossbow, the bolt pointing to the ground.

"I just want our daughter back." I said with my voice breaking at regular intervals. He pulled me close to him and planted a kiss on my temple.

"We'll get her back, she'll be back." He said trying to reassure me.

Everyone broke apart and went their own ways throughout the day, Glenn and Maggie weren't on speaking terms, Rick went off with Hershel and Jimmy into the woods for some reason, and everyone else stuck to doing chores. Daryl and I mostly sat away from everyone and enjoyed each others' company.

"What the hell?" T-Dog said looking towards a break in the tree line. Rick and Hershel walked out with walkers attached to the end of these poles, usually used for leading a hostile dog or something.

Shane, Daryl, T-Dog, Glenn, Andrea, Lori and I ran over to see what the commotion was about.

"You've gotta be kiddin me Rick! See, this is exactly what I was talkin about!"

"Shane stop!" Rick yelled over he loud moaning of the walkers.

"Hey Hershel, tell me somethin, if they're still alive, how they gonna get past this?" Shane said firing at op the walker that was in Hershel's grasp.

"That's three rounds to the chest! Why's it still comin?" He shot again.

"That's it's heart, it's lungs!"

"Shane enough!" Rick yelled out to Shane.

"You're right Rick, that is enough." Shane said walking up to the walker Hershel had and shot it through the brain, causing it to immediately go limp and collapse to the ground. Hershel stood there in awe just as everyone else.

"I am done with this!" Shane said running up to the barn. He hacked away at the lock and chains with the butt of his gun, soon unraveling the bounds that held the doors shut. We all called out for him to stop, but it was as if he was in another world, not able to hear us. He walked back drawing his pistol and stood there, waiting.

Within minutes, walkers started to wander out of the barn and out into the open. Daryl, Shane, T-Dog, Andrea and Glenn all lined up to take them out. I stood towards the back with Lori and Carl. They were both equally terrified, and watched as one by one, the walkers were executed.

After the gunshots silences, there was an erie stillness in the air. Nothing felt right. All of a sudden, small growls were heard from the barn. I looked up to see a small stature shuffling out of the darkness. I had to do a double take until I realized, that was my daughter, turned into a walking corpse.

Lori and Carl immediately looked to me. Lori tried to hold me back, but I ran in a full sprint down the path.

"Y/N/D!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Tears were clouding my vision and I could hardly see where I was going. I was just about to run to her and hold her in my arms when Daryl caught me just before I got the chance. He collapsed to the ground with me still in his grasp. I clawed and punched him, begging for him to let me go, but all was lost and I had no energy to fight. He held me close to his chest and cried into my shoulder. We sat there in each others' hold, only wanting to see our daughter alive and well.

Rick drew his pistol and walked up to the body of y/n/d. Her eyes were soulless and empty. She had a large bite mark on her arm and her neck, both darkened with dried blood. Her skin was no longer the light warm color, it was a white-ish grey, and was stained with dirt, blood and god knows what else.

Just when I thought the heartache met its peak, the final gunshot sounded and y/n/d's small body collapsed amongst the other corpses that filed out of the barn. Carol came over and took me from Daryl, she sat on the ground with me and whispered things trying to calm me down. Daryl walked over to our daughter and picked her fragile body off of the ground. Andrea came running over with a blanket and they wrapped her in it. Daryl walked past Carol and I with y/n/d wrapped in his arms. His head was bowed, tears fell and stained the fabric she was swaddled in. He has never been this broken, the one thing that kept us going, was ripped from our grasp. Something so beautiful and innocent, became tainted and ruined. That wasn't our daughter that walked out of the barn, that was the world that took her away.

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