By You (4)

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Guns were sprawled out all across the table. Ammo scattered about the weaponry that was showcased before us. Connor checked each and every gun, checking to see if they were all up for use. I sat off to the side, studying what he was doing.

"You sure you want to do this?" He said just before switching to the next gun. He must have felt my eyes on him, considering I haven't said a word so far.

"I'm sure." He hid a smirk as best as he could, showing how he wasn't happy about me joining them on this manhunt.

"Lindsay, we just don't wanna see you hurt."

I nodded and left with a small smile. Just before I passed the corner of the counter I bumped into the last person I wanted to see.

He stumbled back a bit. Not from the sudden impact, but because he knew it was me. We both exchanged quick glances before I quickly cut it off and skated past him.

Embarrassing to say the least. Pouring your heart out to someone who you thought loved you, only to find out they didn't feel the same is one of the worst experiences a person could go through.


"We ready to do this?" Romeo asked from the back of the van. No one responded to his comment, causing him to shy away from speaking up again. I leaned over and bumped his shoulder, letting him know I was listening. I saw a small smile appear, only to be completely wiped once the brothers in the front turned around to face us.

We went over the plan for a third time, everything becoming straight up repetitive at this point. There was a pause before Connor spoke up, breaking the small period of silence.

"Are you all okay with this? You know all our lives are on the line here." He said, mainly aiming that comment towards me. Off to the side I could see Murphy's stare boring a hole into the side of my head. Even though my nerves were spiking, I was here now, and I wasn't backing down.

"Let's go." I said, breaking Murphy's focus on me. He immediately hopped out of the car, slamming the door behind him and heading to the back. Assembling the weapons one by one, he handed them off to each of us. When it came down to me he checked every crevice, every spring and mechanic that went into the gun before passing it to me. I went to take it, only to be stopped by his grip not letting up on the weapon. He pulled it close to him, dragging me with it until I was flush against his side.

"Why are you doing this?" He whispered in my ear. Pulling away, his bright blue eyes caught mine in a last minute attempt to get me to not go.

I ripped the gun from his hand and kept it at my side. "Because I want to." He kept his eyes on me just as I did him, not breaking contact.


After walking for what seemed like hours, we finally came up to what appeared to be a greenhouse. Housing many different plants with a large glass ceiling that let the light in.

We made sure the coast was clear, rounding each corner with our guns at our side. Not taking any chances, Connor and Murphy took the lead while Romeo and I fell back looking behind, making sure no one was following us.

All of a sudden they stopped, hearing two voices from the opposite side of the wall. They knew that the two were men of The Roman, Noah's past friend and current enemy.

They aimed their guns against the wall, placing it in the right position before pulling the trigger. The loud blast shot out, sending the two bodies to the floor.

We passed by them into the next room. The sight was gruesome to say the least, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

"You two stay here." Murphy said to both Romeo and I.

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