Never Gone (1) (Daryl)

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Requested by: Monique_Lynch18
- Imagine: Daryl's daughter Y/N who has developed a brother-sister bond with T-Dog is terrified of being ripped away from her father and to watch one of the people closest to her be taken away.

It's been a few days since we took the prison. It took a couple tries, and a few lives... But overall we now have a roof over our heads. It doesn't even bother me that it is a prison, just as long as I can sleep without having to worry about walkers getting to me.

"Y/n! C'mon"! I heard my Dad call. Nodding my head, I grabbed a few bags of supplies and pulled them across the ground into the prison. Packed with goods we found and looted, it got heavier and heavier the more I thought about it. I dropped it for a moment and had to take a breath. I stood alone in the courtyard between the actual prison and the grassy area just outside of the prison. Looking around, all I saw was the decaying bodies of walkers Maggie, Glenn, Rick, My Dad and, T-Dog had killed. The more I dwelled on it, the more my emotions got to me. I choked them down and wiped my eyes for the time being.

"Y/n what's takin ya"? My Dad said as he walked over to me. Before he could get to where I was, I dried my eyes as fast I could to make it seem like I wasn't crying. However, he can easily tell if somethings off, and that's just what he did.

He crouched down next to me and placed his hand on the side of my face, while wiping the tears away with the palm of his thumb.

"You okay"? He said in a low, gravelly tone. I nodded frantically and used my sleeves to stop the tears. He stood up and brought me in for a hug. I only stood up to the base of his chest, so it was a little awkward for him, being I was so short. I was only a year older than Carl, so neither Carl and I could go beyond the fence without someone. Runs were a no-go too.

I grabbed the loose material if the huge bags again and started dragging them to the prison. I stopped short when my Dad picked up two of them and so easily walked back. I glanced down at the one I had left and pulled it with ease.

Dropping it on the ground next to my cell, I sat on the bag, not being able to go any further. I rested my head against the back wall and slowly shut my eyes, hoping to get a minute of sleep in.

"Y/n! C'mon we gotta go"! T-Dog yelled to me as he ran through the courtyard, dodging the walkers. I ran after him and tried my hardest to catch up to him, but the mass hoard coming at us was and it was difficult enough to see over them all. My Dad was somewhere far ahead with Rick and the others clearing the way, but after they left more got out, and now they were in the prison somewhere.

"Y/n, come here honey take my hand! Carol said reaching her hand out to me. I followed alongside her as she steered us towards a door off to the side. She hastily shook the door knob in hopes that it would open.

I looked to my right for a split second to see T-Dog trying to close the gate from where the walkers were coming from. I saw one sneak up behind him. With all I had I screamed at him to watch out, but he only looked over to me, not being able to hear due to the loud moaning and groaning from the walkers. Before I could rush in to help in any way, the Walker sunk his teeth into his shoulder, I started crying and screaming that it was hard for me to breathe, Carol grabbed me and pulled me back before a walker could get to me too. She shoved me behind the door that finally opened and remained standing outside.

I woke up with a large gasp, It was almost as though I had been holding my breath for a long time, and was just taking my first breath as of now. My frantic breathing and panicked state caught the attention of Glenn who was in the next cell with Maggie.

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