Can't Let Go (3) Final

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This can't be happening, not again. We just got him away from here! There was Russell, slumped over the steering wheel, the horn blaring while everyone stood around and did absolutely nothing. "Someone do something!" I yelled out to the guys, but they all acted as though they couldn't hear me. I ran up to the car, tugging on the handle rapidly. Realizing after several tries it was locked, I took my elbow and tried to bash the window, not making even a slight abrasion.

Panic starting to set in. I ran up to Michael and took his gun from its holster on his belt. Taking a few steps back, I aimed for the top right corner, hoping to crack the glass. With a loud blast, the sound rang all throughout the garage. The bullet however, didn't even nick the window. Shot after shot, in several different places the glass still refused to break. My anger overwhelming me, I hurled the gun itself at the glass with still no crack in the window.

I started to anxiously slam my hands on the window in hopes that Russell could hear me shouting his name. Unresponsive, he faced away from the window and still sat sprawled over the wheel. With tears streaming down my face, I started pounding the glass like a crazy person. Begging for a breath, a cough, anything to let me know he was still alive.

As I started to lose hope and die down on the continuous pounding, my hand barely tapped the glass. However, the vigorous vibrations from my pounding still shook the window, although my hand gently rested against the glass, it still felt as if I was throwing myself upon the door.


"Y/N!" I heard my name being shouted through a muffled state, followed by lots of pounding. My eyes opened in an instant, ripping me from what I could only define as a nightmare. I looked out the window to see Gabe with both hands planted on the car window, his gaze set solely on me. "You're gonna want to hear this!" He said through the door, his voice coming through slightly, but from what I could hear he sounded ecstatic.

I opened the car door to the blinding sunrise that shone all over the parking lot. Gabe had already made his way back over to the others. Moving at a snails pace across the asphalt, I saw everyone gathered near the garage door. My heart began to beat faster and faster. Either it was good news or bad news, and I'm not sure I'm able to handle the outcome.

"What's going on?" I said squeezing between Gabe and Marcus. All at once, the guys looked to me with slight grins on their faces. The man barking out orders left and right from earlier stepped closer to me, he reached down and held my hands in his, an ever growing smirk working its way onto his face.

"He's going to be okay." He said.  I felt weak at his words, just a few hours ago he was on his deathbed, and now I'm being told he was going to make it.  Tears  I didn't know I had left fell without hesitation, I slight laugh escaped my lips as my lip quivered.  I took a step forward and collided into him, practically knocking the breath out of him.

"T-thank you, so much." I said, trying me best to keep calm. He patted me on the back and pulled away, letting me get my emotions under control.

Rushing over to Gabe, I practically jumped on him, wrapping my arms around his neck, bringing him down a little due to my height. He and I laughed and cried all at once, knowing the one we both loved most was going to be okay.  Everyone else in the group went around and exchanged hugs and comments. My laughter died down to a beaming smile, my heart was racing, but not from stress or pain.

"When can we see him?" I asked Marcus's friend. He stepped out of the way and gestured to the door. I looked back between him and the entrance several times before stumbling forward and gripping the door handle. Taking a deep breath, I twisted it and walked in, followed by Gabe, Marcus, Rodriguez and Michael.  Once I laid my eyes on him all bandaged up, with his arm draped over his head and the steady rhythm of his chest rising and falling I stopped and covered my mouth with my hands to prevent myself from sobbing.  Tears welled up in my eyes and I was so relieved to see him not in excruciating pain. 

Gabe rubbed my back and walked past me to go see him, the guys following close behind while I stayed back, trying to regain composure. He approached the table and got Russells' attention. He moved his arm out of the way to see his brother standing before him. Slowly, he leaned up and sat up straight on the table, him and his brother mauling each other in a brotherly embrace. One by one they each greeted him and conversed for a brief moment. After words were exchanged, I saw him look past the guys and all around, as if there was someone else he was looking for. He scanned the room until his eyes eventually found me. Our eyes locked on each other's and I started to get hysterical. Laughter, tears, the whole combo making its way back around once again. I began to walk over to the table, my feet having a mind of their own. He guys moved out of the way and watched as I started running. Russell opened his arms as I ran into them. It was at this point when everything around me came crashing down. All the stress and fear flooded out in a stream of emotions. He held me close and buried his head into my shoulder, just as I did with him.

"I thought I lost you, I was-" I started to say before he cut me off my crashing his lips to mine. The feeling of being able to touch and talk to him again was the best feeling in the world. His hands traveled to my face, cupping my cheeks and wiping my constant tears away with his thumbs. He rested his forehead on mine and held onto my face, his eyes jammed shut to prevent any tears from flowing.

"I love you." He said, his voice cracking at the end.  Letting an anxious laugh escape, I leaned in to hug him, being careful of the bandage that wrapped around his midsection.

"I love you, so much."

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