Be There (1) (Norman)

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Dreary, cold and rainy. The day droned on and on with a gloomy atmosphere that was both soothing and depressing. Coming from somewhere that was once bright and sunny to a dismal and desolate apartment in New York wasn't the best situation, but it was something that had to be done.

She spent her time shuffling through boxes and fixing her room just how she always wanted. Change in scenery from over the years finally gave her the liberty to express her inner self.

Taking one of the smaller, heavier boxes, she slipped with her grasp and dropped it on the floor. Shattering whatever was in the box. She cursed under her breath and hesitantly reached in to pull out a busted frame with a picture of her and her best friend, well, what used to be anyways. The move took a tole on everyone. Especially her other half. Things were left unsaid back home, and it's doubted that they will ever be said.

She crossed her room constantly. Placing things on shelves, putting clothes away or smothering the walls with her many posters. Taking a step back, she took a deep breath, letting it all sink in.

All of a sudden, out of the corner of her eye she saw the sneaky black ball of fur hop up onto the windowsill that was slightly cracked open.

She bolted to the slightly large feline and quickly picked him up, just before he could execute his grand escape. Petting his soft fur, she took a second to calm herself. Seeing as though this wasn't the first time he had fled the scene. It would be different if it was back home, but this is all new to both him and her.

"Cute cat." She heard someone say, but didn't know where it was coming from. Glancing all around until she found the source of the voice.

Sitting on the edge of the window with one leg draped over the side and the other propped up on the ledge was a man with long blond-ish brown hair that covered his eyes to some degree. He stared at the brick wall straight ahead and held a cigarette between his fingers. His whole appearance made him seem reserved, but it's been said to never judge a book by its cover.

"Got a name?" He said just before bringing the cigarette to his lips.

She looked at him with curiosity, wanting to further know this stranger across from her window. "Jack."

He nodded and slowly let the smoke escape his mouth, sending the light gray wisps circling in the air dissipating off to the streets. "And you?"

"Hm?" She uttered.

"Your name?"

She thought about turning away and forgetting that this exchange between words ever took place. Seeing as though she was new and didn't have the time for such small talk. However, every fiber of her being urged her to stay and forget everything else. With one quick impulsive move, the name escaped her thoughts as she blurted it out. "Gabby"

He nodded to himself and flicked the remainder of what was practically ashes in his hand off the wall, sending small embers that lit up in the dark down a small spiral to the ground three floors below. "I'm Norman."


"Favorite artist." He asked her as they both sat facing each other across the way. She sat criss-crossed with an oversized sweatshirt keeping her safe from the frigid weather, while he had both legs swung over the window, heels kicking the wall behind him.

"Music?" She asked, pondering for a moment before saying her final answer. "PVRIS." He nodded to her response and sat a little further back against the wall. "Favorite color?"

"What are we in elementary?" She let out a small laugh to his comment. He too laughed along with her. Enjoying the small talk. It was days like this that put the world aside and made life a little brighter. Who knew you could have so much in common with someone you met within a month. "You know you never told me about your past." He said, bringing the tense topic to the surface.

Norman Reedus ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now