Had It (1) (Norman)

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Stumbling through the double doors I steered my way off to the side so others could get by. I took deep breaths in hopes to regain my composure before I broke out into a full on sprint.

I glanced out the glass doors to see the rain pour even harder moments later. I mentally cheered seeing as how I got the beginning of the storm. However, this didn't stop my clothes from weighing me down.

The water retained in my shirt alone was too much to handle. It was uncomfortable, awkward and overall unsettling to be in. As I examined my other clothing, I then realized I was forming a puddle on the floor.

With this, I gripped onto the fabric bags and spun my wrists in the handles just so I knew they wouldn't slip from my grasp. The weight of four full oversized grocery bags made my arms want to give every few seconds, but with enough determination I managed to scurry over to the elevator.

Out of service, great. Sometimes I believe that the manager of this building puts these signs up just to get a laugh out of watching others suffer. But, to each their own.

I surveyed the climb before me and dreaded the sight.  Before I could take another step, I ripped my damp sneakers off and tossed them into one of the bags, that way the journey would be all the more bearable.  Taking a deep breath, I powered through two flights before letting my wrists hit the ground and allowing my arms to regain a little bit of feeling. I then hoisted the bags up once more and pushed through the last two flights somewhat with ease.

Living alone was a struggle, but no one ever said it would be easy. If anything it's only teaching me more then I could've expected. Of course I would call back home periodically to ask questions and check on my siblings, but other than that it was all me. If anything, New York City was nothing how I thought it would be.

The busy days cluttered with people commuting and the lively nights that lit up the city made me feel apart of something much bigger than what I was used to. Needless to say, I love it here.

However, it does have its drawbacks.

As if on cue, shouting and vulgar language could be heard blasting from room 207. I mentally cringed as I could hear things being tossed around.

All of my neighbors have been great so far. Mrs. Tyler baked me a strudel my first week of being here, and Elaine with her two little boys always made me laugh whenever they would cause a ruckus. However, room 207 was a place I stayed clear of if possible. I'm not even sure who lives there.

One day Elaine told me she saw a man with shaggy dark brown hair come and go, but that was about it.

But apparently today was the day I couldn't run from it. I could see my room at the end of the hall and could only wish that I had teleportation powers to shoot me right outside my door.

Shaking all the negativity off, I wrapped my wrists in the fabricated handles and began to rush down the hall.

I almost made it past the room, but my damn curiosity got the best of me as I knew it would. I slightly swayed from side to side while my heavy bags determined the direction I moved as I stood in place examining the apartment.

The door was slightly cracked open as light streamed from the small gap out onto the hallway.

I looked down both ends of the hallway to see if anyone was there before I quietly peered into the room. My face barely pressed against the door while my hand rested on the outside wall.

From first glance no one seemed to be in the living room.  Although the place was dimly lit, from what I could see it was a modern, artsy modeled home. 

Norman Reedus ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now